
What are some really good universities in South America?

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I still have pre-med requirements I need to fulfill, and I really want to live in South America for a while (preferably around Peru/Ecuador, but any country will work). I speak French and Spanish but no Portugese (so Brazil is out). What are some really good universities down there? I don't care whether they're American style universities or real South American ones, I just want to live there





  1. Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota is definitely an excellent university.  

    I know you said south america, but if Mexico is an option I know some americans who don't make it into med school in the states usually attend med school in Mexico City to get their degree, I can't remember which one though.

  2. university of buenos aires, in argentina is free and very good

  3. in bogota Dc you will find a lot of universities and good ones

  4. University of Los Andes in Bogota. Excellent school with an excellent world wide reputation.

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