
What are some really good ways to learn how to do a backbend fast?

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Pleasee helppp!




  1. Lay on the floor with your arms syraight above your head push up into a backbend its really easy

  2. first you want to do a bridge. lay on your back with your hands and feet out and push up. now you're in the back bend position even though you didn't really do a backbend. hold yourself in that position for a little while.

    now get a parent, older sibling, friend to help you. you stand up and start doing the back bend and they have their arm right underneath your back (not pushing on it though) and in case you start to fall, they're there to catch you.

    after you practice with you're partner a lot. you'll be able to do it on your own, easily.

  3. I learned to do a back bend because of the matrix (like probably a lot of guys taking self defense at that time) so what I did, was bend towards a wall as far as you can, then walk your hands down the wall until you touch floor.  I picked it up pretty fast, but I was really stretchy back then too

  4. ok this is what I did i  practiced on my bed over and over again.But if that doesn't work too well then have someone put their arm under your back like a few inches above your bed.That's what I did and I wasn't flexible at all!!!Hey,but now im on a gymnastics team next year im gonna be a pro!

                                                 HOPE I HELP!

  5. Go on the floor and go into a backband from the floor so you get the feeling of a bridge. Then to get the feeling of how to go back try getting a friend or someone to spot you. Just let them hold your back and go back. (Keep your hands up by your ears.) Or have your back face the wall and put your arms back. Climb down with your arms going back.

    You have to be able to support yourself so you have to be strong. Plus, if your confident just remember that when you go back your arms and legs are going to support you in your bridge.

  6. Stack up a pile of pillows higher than your knees but shorter than your waist an do a backbend over it. It will support your back and you won't hit your head.

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