
What are some really really really scary stories?

by Guest31799  |  earlier

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I mean the scariest you've ever heard. The kind that make your spine tingle and you almost pee your pants and are absolutely terrifying.




  1. In the late 1800s, there was a middle-aged man who lived in the woods by himself. The only companions he had were his three hunting dogs. It took a day and a night to travel into the town outside the forest, so he only left his two-room cabin to get food and other supplies when he really needed to.

    One night, the man looked in the cupboard and realized that he had no food left in his cabin. Cursing himself for being so careless, he decided that it was much to dark to start for town or go hunting now, and he would just have to go to bed hungry and wait until tomorrow.

    About an hour later, the man was sitting in the main room of his cabin, cursing himself for not going to town sooner, when he heard a peculiar noise. It sounded like scurrying, as if an animal were running about the room. His three hunting dogs were outside, sleeping under the porch like they always did.

    The man searched for the source of the noise, and behind his recliner he saw the stranges animal he had ever laid eyes on.

    The animal was the size of a cat with a long, pointy face, like a fox. All of its teeth were razor sharp and the fangs protruded from its mouth. Its eyes were big as owl's eyes and bright green, so bright it seemed like they were glowing in the dim light. The animal had paws that looked almost like tiny human hands, only with long, black claws. Its ears were enormous, like a jackrabbit's. But the thing that the man noticed most about this strange beast was its enormous tail, he guessed it was six feet long, coiled round and round itself.

    The creature regarded him calmly for quite some time, as he stared at it in awe. He had never seen something that looked even remotely the same in all his life.

    Just then, a thought came to him: he would kill it and have it for dinner!

    Quick as a flash, he rushed to the 'kitchen' portion of his main room and grabbed his butcher knife off of the shelf. The creature, realizing what was happening, let out a terrifying hiss that froze the man in his tracks. It almost sounded like a human scream.

    The man chased the thing around his house for a full minute before it finally slipped away through a hole in the log wall, where he presumed it had entered his house from.

    The thing barely escaped, but not before the man cut off its tail. He heard it go screaming away into the forest.

    Being a shrewd man, he realized that the tail had some very good meat on it, and decided he would skin it and cook it for dinner.

    That was what he did, and he went to bed full and quite satisfied with himself.

    But in all the excitement, he'd forgotten to patch up the hole in his wall...

    That night, the man awoke to a scurrying sound in his main room. Now, his bedroom was separate from the main room of his cabin, he'd built the addition on himself so as to have more private living space. He could hear scurrying around his main room, even through the thick bedroom door. As he listened, he realized with just a hint of cold fear that he had forgotten to patch up the hole in the wall.

    Just then, an eerie, singsong voice rang through the still air of the cabin,  "taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    The man was so frightened that he jumped out of bed, grabbed his shotgun, and threw open the door to his room, hoping to catch whoever was messing around with him red-handed.

    All he saw was a black shadow scurry, fast as lightning, through the hole in the wall.

    Shouting out, he sent his dogs after whatever it was, hearing them go barking off into the night. The man sat up for an hour. Only two of his dogs came back.

    Thoroughly scared now, the man blocked the hole as best he could with a stack of logs for the fire and let the dogs into the house to sleep in the main cabin. Then, trying to ease his racing mind, he went back into his room and tried to sleep.

    Not ten minutes later, the sound of the stack of logs crashing down and his dogs whining and cowering like scared puppies reached his ears.

    There was a scurrying sound, then the eerie, singsong voice said (sounding much closer now than it had been the last time), "taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    The man, once again, jumped out of bed with his shotgun, but just missed that black shadow running through the reopened hole in the wall. Furious and frightened, the man sent his two dogs out after the creature.

    An hour later, one dog returned.

    The man brought moved his heavy chair in front of the hole in the wall, the dog into his room to sleep by his bed,  and tried to calm himself.

    Not five minutes later, the sound of the heavy chair scraping across the dirt floor of the cabin reached his ears. The voice, now sounding very close to his bedroom door, sang out, "taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    Terrified, the man flung his bedroom door open and sent his dog after the creature.

    It never returned.

    Desparate, the man blocked the hole with all he could find in his home, bolted his door shut, locked himself in his room, and sat on his bed with his shotgun.

    Not three minutes later, a scurrying sound reached his ears. The voice, now just outside his bedroom door, sang out, "taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    The man remained silent, shaking with fear.

    There was scratching on the door, and then the doorknob slowly began to turn.

    "Taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    The man aimed his shotgun at the door. It wasn't loaded. It was useless against the terror. He threw it to the ground. All too late, he realized that he could have used it to hit the creature, but now it was across the room and he was too afraid to stand up.

    The door was wide open now. A black shadow scurried across the floor.

    "Taily-po, taily-po, who's got my taily-po?"

    The creature climbed up to the foot of his bed, staring at him with glowing green eyes. It was smiling, showing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "Taily-po, taily-po," it said, "you've got my taily-po."

    It climbed across his legs, up to his stomach.

    Terrified, the man managed to scream out, "I haven't got it! I haven't got your taily-po!"

    The creature spread its clawed, human-like hand and placed its claws against the man's stomach. Grinning, it whispered, "yes you do."

    A month later, a woman from town noticed that the man hadn't come there for a very long time, so she decided to check on him to make sure he was okay.

    As she was riding out into the forest, she found a most ghastly sight. A dead dog on the side of the path.

    She rode on, but soon she found another dead dog, and very soon a third.

    Shuddering, she hurried along to the man's cabin to make sure he was okay.

    With a scream, she found him in his bedroom, his sheets soaked in blood, a look of horror frozen on his face forever. His stomach had been cut open by something razor sharp.

    She rode back to town with all the speed she could, to inform the people of the town and get the man a proper burial.

    As she was riding through the trees, she heard - or thought she heard - an eerie, singsong voice sing out through the trees, "taily-po, taily-po, now I've got my taily-po..."


  3. Well, this story is more creepy then scary, but I'll tell you anyway.

    One day, this man rents a house and moves in. He found a hole in the wall; he was about to call the landowner to complain, but he looked outside of the hole, which showed the house across the street, and he saw a pretty girl in a night gown with brown hair dancing outside. He decided against calling the landlord, because he wanted to continue looking through the hole to watch the pretty girl dancing. For the next few days, he kept on looking through the hole to spy on the girl, who was dancing in the night gown every day. Then, one day he looked through the hole, again, but didn't see the girl dancing; he just saw a bunch of red. The next day, he looked through the hole, again, but the girl was no longer dancing outside. Finally, he decided to call the landlord to complain about the hole. On the phone, the man asked the landlord, "Who is the girl who lives across the street?" The landlord replied, "Oh, that is my niece. She has brown hair, she always wears a night gown, and she has red eyes." The girl had been looking through the hole that day.

    Here is a story that really is scary.

    A woman had a four-year-old daughter named Jaime who you would not exactly call...normal. Jaime's classmates teased her for that. One day, Jaime came home crying, so the woman decided to buy her daughter a gift. She drove down to the dollar store, and looked around. She found a doll with four fingers, and she knew that Jaime would love it. She went to the cash register to pay for it. "Sorry, ma'am, but I can't sell you this doll," the cashier said. "Oh, please, my daughter will love it!" "Nope, sorry." "What if I pay you ten dollars?" the lady asked. "No." "One hundred dollars?" "Sorry." "A million?" "Well, okay. But you have to promise me one thing." "What?" she asked. "Don't leave your daughter alone with the doll at night." "Okay," the woman agreed, not planning to actually listen--what would be so bad about leaving her daughter alone with a doll? That night, the woman tucked Jaime into bed, and left the doll with four fingers on the dresser on the other side of the room. She left the room and turned off the light. Suddenly, Jaime heard a small voice from across the room singing, "Jaime, I'm taking one step!" Then she heard a thump on the floor. "Jaime, I'm taking a second step!" the voice sang, again. "Jaime, I'm taking a third step! Jaime, I'm climbing," the voice sang, sounding a lot closer to her, and Jaime heard some scratching on wood. "Jaime, I'm going to kill you." The next morning, the woman went into Jaime's room to find her daughter dead with the four fingered doll sitting on the bed with a knife in her hand.

  4. exorcist

    nightmare on elm street



    amityville horror

    texas chainsaw masacre

    friday the 13th


  5. This one really creeped me out when I heard it:

    Drip, Drip, Drip

    One night a young girl, Lily Foster, is left alone for the night, in her country house, while her parents drove out to town for a party. This was fine with Lily, especially since she had her faithful dog, Scout, protecting her throught the night. She made herself something to eat, and sat down at the kitchen table. Turning on the radio to her favorite station, she was surprised to hear a news bulleten declaring that an avenged murderer was on the loose. It advised that people secure all windows and doors as a safety precaution. With her dog by her side, the young girl locked the front and back doors. She went from window to window, and locked each of them one at a time. She reassured herself that she would be fine with her trusty dog, and that her parents would be home shortly, anyway. So, Lily had a pleasant, peaceful evening, and finally decided around eleven o'clock that it was time for bed. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom, and slid under the big, warm blanket on her bed. Before closing her eyes, reached her hand down under the bed, and allowed her dog to l**k it- she did this every night, because it comforted her. A short while later she awoke to the sound of a scratching noise at her bedrooom window. She eyed the window, and reminded herself that the whole house was locked and she was safe. She stuck her hand under her bed and felt her dog's slobbery tongue cross over the palm of her hand. She sighed and went back to sleep. An hour or so later she sat up in bed...She had heard footsteps in the hallway, and crept out of bed to see if it was possibly just her parents returning from their party. Seeing nothing, she returned to bed. As she was about to stick her hand under the bed, she heard a drip, drip, drip, followed by some footsteps. She walked downstairs into the kitchen and secured the the taps. That surely wasn't the source of the drip. She crept upstairs and climbed into bed. "This is silly," she told herself "I'm probably just imagining things." She stuck her hand under the bed, and felt the dog l**k her hand. An hour later she awoke again. A little mad at this point, she jumped out of bed. The dripping wasn't coming from the kitchen so it must be from the bathroom. She crept along the side of the hallway, and walked into the bathroom. She groped along the side of the wall with her left hand, looking for the light switch. She flicked the light on and gasped. There, hanging from the shower rod was Scout-skinned-a pool of blood had formed on the bathroom tile with a continuous 'drip, drip, drip' as the blood from the dog hit the ground. Something on the wall caught her eye; written on the wall was a message in blood..."Humans can l**k too."

    I also love:


    One cold winter night, sixteen year old Kelly Sanders was home alone, as her parents had gone out to a dinner party at a friend's house. It had been snowing all afternoon, but had just recently stopped. After studying for a while, she decides to relax a little- after all, she finally had the house to herself. She makes some popcorn, gets a nice warm, fuzzy blanket, and snuggles under it to watch one of her favorite movies. In their lounge room, the television is positioned a few feet in front of the glass sliding door that leads to the patio and backyard. By midnight, Kelly's parents are still not home, and she begins to feel uneasy, but refuses to call them, for risk of sounding like she couldn't take care of herself. Suddenly, her eye catches a glint of light from behind the TV, and right there, just outside the glass door, was a crazy-eyed man, grinning maliciously at her, and holding a long, narrow blade in his left hand. Terrified, the girl panics, pulls the blanket up over her head and grabs the cordless phone by her side. Kelly calls the police, and as luck would have it, there was a patrol car less than a block from her house. In a matter of seconds, two officers are on the scene and Kelly tells them about the armed man staring through the glass. The first officer opens the sliding door and looks around the area. After a few moments, she turns and explains to Kelly that there couldn't have been anyone standing out there, as there would have been footprints in the snow. The second officertells her that she is probably just tired and her imagination was playing tricks on her. He beckoned at the TV where the horror movie she had been watching was still playing. "Stuff like that didn't help matters, either,'' he said smiling. Kelly smiled too, more at her own immaturity than the officer's remark, still a little shaken. As the police are about to leave, the male officer stops and looks behind the sofa that Kelly had been sitting on. His jaw drops and eyes widen in shock. Kelly and the other officer notice his reaction and follow his gaze; they both gasp. There were wet footprints and a discarded knife on the carpet behind the couch. Kelly hadn't seen the man outside he door; she'd seen his reflection when he was standing behind her.

    And finally:


    A little girl, named Penny Warren, was given a small doll by her parents. The doll was a gift from an ancient great aunt who had now passed on. Penny was instantly unnnerved by the doll, which had nasty little black eyes that seemed to follow her around the room and a sinister grin on her face. Nevertheless, Penny had to accept the doll, as she was well brought up and didn't want to upset her parents by refusing to take it. Her parents told her that the doll's name was Arabella, which made Penny even more afraid of it; it seemed to make it more human. Even so, it was just a doll, barely reaching above her knee, so to put her mind at rest, she hid Arabella into the little cupboard under the stairs, under some boxes where her parents wouldn't see her. It wasn't until a few nights later, when Penny was lying in bed, that she heard a noise...a shuffling sound that went on for about five minutes. Then, a brief dragging noise and finally, a scuttling like light footsteps running very fast. Penny was paralyzed with fear, her knuckles turning white from clutching her blanket. Then, she heard a voice - soft and eerily childlike - quiet enough not to wake her parents. Penny always slept with the door open and the lamp in the hall on, as she was still a little scared of the dark. Therefore, she could hear more through her open door. Penny heard the voice say "Penny, I'm on the first step"...And then a loud scrabbling again, as whatever was speakingapparently turned tail and returned to wherever it had come from. The little girl didn't sleep a wink that night, but laid in fear until the break of dawn when her mother got her up for school and when she tried to explain what had happened, her parents passed it off as "just a dream". The next night, Penny fought against sleep, but eventually drifted off, only to be woken again by the sinister voice: "Penny, I'm on the fifth step" Penny was crying by now, and again, she didn't sleep that night. The next night, Penny decided to shut her bedroom door and reluctantly slept without the light on. Just as she was about to doze, Penny heard the noise, and then the voice: "Penny, I'm on the top step..." Penny knew that her door was closed, but she was still terribly afraid. Her heart pounding, she slowly go up to investigate; she screamed. Penny's parents found her body at the bottom of the stairs. They guessed she was on her way to the bathroom without switching on the hall light and had fallen down the stairs, breaking her neck. Arabella, the favorite family doll, was found beside her body - smiling.

    Happy reading!


  6. Well, if You can hold on a few months until after Bush leaves Office, there's gonna be aLOT of "horror stories" coming out about what He & d**k Cheney did to this Country over the 8 years they spent ruining it! :0

  7. hmm..the true kinds

    I don't know what you believe in

    But i like reading stories online about seance's and ouiji boards, posssesions, ect.

  8. One cold night a little child is sleeping in the bed all of a sudden there was a horrifying loud knock on her window,she was so surprised! she looked out her glass window and screamed in shock  there was a tall man dressed in black with a long clever he reached for her and  strangled and beat her to dealth. her parents found her body covered in blood and  it was swoed to the carpet. thats why little children should not be alone at night.

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