
What are some really scary government conspiracy theories?

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  1. JFK's death for one!

  2. That Obama would be a good President.

    Now THAT'S scary!!!

  3. Look up HAARP and what the Gov. could use this for. Spooky.

  4. that you have to pay for all healthcare in the US and the the goverment cant handel it with tax. because everywhere else including cuba can.

  5. "9-11 was in inside job."

  6. 9 11

  7. well,9/11,the Kennedy assassination,Pearl Harbor just to name a few.Conspiracy rumors have been a part of American folklore for many years,going back to when Lincoln was shot. I'm not saying they were all B/S,but remember,to remain a secret would mean  everyone involved would have to keep the secret. that just dont happen.remember the old h***s Angels saying.."the only way 2 people can keep a secret is if one of thems dead"

  8. Area 51. I want to know if there is an alien or alien craft out there in Roswell. I hope there isn't cause i'm so scared about the thought of aliens. I have really tripy nightmares you see....

  9. That the cubans killed Kennedy

  10. There are loads, the best ones are:

    -911 attacks being an american government job.

    -The moon landings being faked.

    -Area 51

    -The titanic sinking was all planned


    There are many more too!

  11. well al sharpton is pretty sure the government invented AIDS to kill all the blacks...

    then theres always area 51/roswell

    many people think that the goverment orchestrated 9/11.

    the IRS scares me...

  12. My name is Kim S too!

    The Roswell one makes me feel uneasy.

  13. 9/11 was conducted by the gov

  14. That the moon landings were faked.

  15. Most

  16. The president knew about Pearl Harbor and didn't say anything and let it get blown up so we'd have a reason to bomb Japan.

    I don't believe it, but that's one of them.

    And someone I know has this theory that a "terrorist act" is going to happen right before Bush leaves office. Like the govs going to plan one. Because apparently there's this thing saying that, in case of a national crisis, he can stay in office for a 3rd term. Or something along those lines.

  17. this couple made a book about how the space launch to the moon was all a fake and was filmed out in the desert. a month after the couple published the book they BOTH died of cancer. i heard they were killed by the government so that the truth wouldnt be revealed.

  18. Global warming being caused by humans

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