
What are some reasons cell phones are dangerous in cars?

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besides being distracted..




  1. if you drop it while you are chatting, then you might feel pressured to find the dropped phone!

    If it rings loudly while you are driving, it could catch you off guard.

    Talking on the phone can sometimes deal with emotional aspects, and if you are on your phone and you are emotional, it could tend to affect your driving....

    be smart, don't talk and drive!

  2. not just talking on the phone, but texting has made the news lately too.  A lot of young people who can't wait to get home to message their friends.  

    Dropping your phone too.  I had a friend killed driving b/c she dropped her phone and was trying to get it when she rolled through a stop sign, hit by a truck.  Now she was more of a casual classmate than a friend, we never hung out or anything, but it still scared the c**p out of me afterwards.  It was a real shocker, and it hit close to home.  It can happen guys, don't ever say it can't happen to you.

    It's a shame how the law has to dictate common sense.  Just like some other poster mentioned, with women (and men, lmao) putting on makeup, reading paper, on their laptop, etc.  I was almost hit the other day by some women (in a suv of course) with eyeliner in one hand, and her cell phone in the other hand.  I don't know what she was using to steer with....

  3. Some people may allow the phone to become too big of a distraction.  But then there are women who put on makeup while driving, people who eat while driving, have s*x while driving, fidgit with the stereo while driving, fall asleep while driving, turn around and yell at or hit their kids while driving, look at the pretty chick in the car next to them while driving, get into an argument with their significant other while driving, drive too fast while driving, drive while drunk, etc.

    Comparing how many people use the phone while driving to the number of people who cause an accident because they let it distract them.... it's really not as dangerous as most other things.

    It's just in the news because people always need a bogeyman to blame.

  4. That is the big reason, there is nothing that can not wait till you stop the car. Nothing is that important. Just inconsiderate

  5. It's super dangerous. Somebody hits my car because he is on the cellphone, not concentrate..

    Also cellphone can blown the gas station, while talking...very dangerous....

  6. That's one  thing that makes it dangerous when it rings, talking or listening on/to  it. The other is trying to hold it to your ear while turning a cornor one handed and there's another car coming towards you because you went over into their lane.

  7. Cell phones aren't dangerous.

    It's the idiots who use them that are.

  8. The biggest reason is that "Driving While on Cell Phone Is Worse Than Driving While Drunk".........

    Cell phone distraction has now passed up drunk driving accidents...........

  9. LOL, voodooman, good answer:

    "The old lady was so busy yelling at the woman using the cell phone that she wasn't paying attention and rear-ended somebody."

    another reason cell phones are dangerous!

  10. In my opinion, there is no reason why they are dangerous other than they are a distraction.

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