
What are some reasons for HR not to call back?

by Guest59953  |  earlier

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Aside from not getting the job...I've had 3 interviews with a large NY hospital for an entry level position over the course of a month and a half. After my 3rd interview, the doctors and HR asked me to interview for the same job in a different wing more suited towards my interests. So I did, but it has been 8 days since I've heard back. HR has always been good as far as getting back to me within a day or two. I called first thing this morning but have not heard anything yet. What are some reasons as to why HR may not have called me (I do understand that they are busy and all)? Is it possible that I would not have been chosen for another round of interviews after interviewing with this company 4x already? Should I give up or is it possible that I still have a shot at this position or even within this company? Also, I have already sent HR a thank you letter when I first started interviewing, should I send another 1 thanking her for thinking of me for this position? In the past, it has taken me a week to 10 days to get any feedback. What is the typical time I should expect to wait before giving up?Thanks!




  1. I think the most likely reason HR may not have called you is because they haven't made a decision one way or the other.  You are still in the running or they would have returned your call and let you know.

    Go ahead and send a thank you note.  It may not help, but it surely won't hurt.

    Don't give up, but do pursue other opportunities and if you get a job offer elsewhere but would prefer to work at this particular hospital call HR and (in a nice way) tell them "to fish or cut bait".

    Hope this helps


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