
What are some reasons for atrociously bad breath in a child? And how to get rid of it?

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What are some reasons for atrociously bad breath in a child? And how to get rid of it?




  1. Bad breath is usually associated with tooth decay or gum disease.

    How long has it been since your child saw the dentist?

  2. Bad breath (halitosis) is common in children, especially older children and adolescents. It is often related to bacterial activity in the back of the mouth, nose or on the teeth.

    postnasal drip is the most common cause of bad breath in children, and may be caused by allergies, recurrent colds or chronic sinus infections.

    poor dentition is usually suspected when children have bad breath. It may be from cavities, inflammed gums (gingivitis) or trapped food particles, which can also become trapped in the crypts of the tonsils, leading to tonsilloliths.

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