
What are some reasons for the protests in Burma?

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My professor said the leader met with some kind of fortune teller or astrologist who told him to change all the currency to 45 i believe. Well obviously, this kind of change would devastate the economy so the monks started the protests and were retrained and murdered. Then the other citizens stepped in. Please correct me, I want to know more.




  1. Decode this lyrics " All out of love"

    Blindly searching for our creator's universal gifts of life vital for their own survival and advancement of themselves.

    Blindly searching for "The spoils of the war" that was lost with time in honouring and worshiping God.

    Exodus 20.1-2, Leviticus 26.13

  2. The military didn't like the idea of a democratically elected government (or at least the Generals didn't) about 12 years ago and took over in a coup. They have been in charge ever since. In the meantime, the woman who won the election has been under house arrest. The military changed the name of the Country, capitol city, and whatever else they didn't like. The people are finally fed up. They want their freedom.

  3. China in its  urge to increase its regional dominance, encourages dissent against reining democracies or props up military dictatorships etc.

  4. the military is building huge luxurious condos in brand new purpose built cities for its soldiers,

    paying for it from the selling of oil to China (mostly) plus India, Thailand and Singapore while the average person including the monks are living at a bare subsistance level on the brink of starvation

    the people are not happy

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