
What are some reasons not to eat organic food?

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What are some reasons not to eat organic food?




  1. some are good,some are not good.

    sometimes made of weird(the u-would-never-eat-this-if-u-know-wat-it-... weird) stuff.

    it is way to expanive.


  2. cost too much . nasty

  3. Organic means "unnatural" pesticides aren't used and only rice that hasn't been genitically engineered (by quick modern means) is grown.  Though test varieties are tightly controlled and any hybrids that spread burned, types naturally cross.  People have been slowly producing new strains of rice, much like new breeds of dogs, to meet needs for a long time.  Today companies can quickly engineer---aka simply identify and produce a large amount of certain varieties with needed properties quickly---they can't say I want this to make gold and do it w/out a natural precursor.  They churn out varieties with #1 high yields, high amounts of certain needed nutrients, the ability to grow in harsh environments in poor countries where otherwise there would be no crops.  They can also provide resistance to certain diseases or pests, or pesticides they wish only the desired crop to be resistant to.  The news rarely mentions this, but crops that look the same to you year to year often have critical differences.  Scientists often work intensely to produce/identify varieties resistant to new diseases spreading from state to state before the nation's food supply is vitally affected (see soybean rust) and the news sees fit to report THat.  Fortunately the organic market is still small enough and many existing varieties can be found in areas where farming has been practiced a long time.  

    With none of these tools used, organic food has a comparatively low yield (amount of food produced per acre used to grow it), so you have to cut down more trees, clear and level more land (aka the habitat is gone except for field mice and turtles), use more water, buy more equipment to cut the crops, burn more time and gas to produce the same amount of crop, and the food ends up being more expensive.  Also organic food can have a certain generous percent of pesticide "contaminant."   E coli scares also tend to be traced back to organic foods (esp spinach) since "natural" fertilizer is, well, you know.....I think manure or pesticides one way or another it's best to wash your food and go for the cheaper stuff w/higher nutrient content.

  4. Alot of states have no governing agents to ensure that organic farms are truly organic (like California), or they're just too busy to check on the farms regularly.  Also, rainwater falls through polluted skies and I'm not sure the farmers are using manure from organically grown cattle... so what's the use? .....

  5. too expensive

  6. if your having organic milk it might not be organic cuz they mix all the milk together so you could only be getting half of it organic. Also organic stuff is very healthy but very expensive. So its up to you weather or not you want to be healthy and spend more on your food bills and not so healthy and spend less. hoped i helped

  7. All food is organic as it all consists of carbon. The strategy of many health food stores is to call the food organic so it sounds more natural. The only difference being that there were no growth hormones, pesticides, and other chemicals added allegedly. Some foods might theoretically taste better and be healthier for you if it is grown and harvested naturally. Besides this, some people like the sound of eating "fresh" apples as opposed to apples that are pumped with hormones and sprayed with pesticides.

  8. i personally think its a scam

  9. price

  10. The only thing I can think of-is it costs more money than normal food.

    It isn't necessarily worse for you though in fact it should be better (free of pesticides and chemicals)

    hope this helps

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