
What are some reasons that people flash their brights either oncoming or behind someone?

by Guest21470  |  earlier

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What are some reasons that people flash their brights either oncoming or behind someone?




  1. some flash brights to tell the on coming car to dim theirs or maybe to get them adjusted if you are pulling a trailer or hauling a heavy load when the back end goes down the headlights shine up and the new lights these days are very bright flashing from behind could be because you pissed the person off when you were following them or with big trucks it lets them know to come back in from the passing lane

  2. if they are coming at you, they are either telling you that you have your bright lights on blinding them, or , there is a cop up ahead.

    If they do it behind you, they want you to get out of the way .

  3. Flashing lights behind you means, SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT, and you are the slower traffic.  Remember its according to the flow of the traffic when on the freeway, so if you're going the speed limit doesnt mean you have the right to drive where you want, just be courteous and move over to the right.

    Flashing lights oncoming is to warn that a cop is in the vicinity of the direction you are heading in.

  4. Maybe they are trying to flirt with you also. Nobody said that I dont think..

  5. To warn driver's of an accident, a cop (speed trap), emergency vehicles in the vicinity, pets or other animals in the road.

    Behind someone when they are driving slow in the fast lane, or if a person cut them off.

  6. Usually something is wrong with your car and they are trying to get your attention.  Also they could be telling you that they want to pass if they are behind you.  If they are coming at you then it could mean trouble up ahead.

  7. In general to get attention.

    Saying hello between people who know each other.

    Top reason: To let oncoming traffic know there are cops around.

  8. To let someone know they forgot to turn on their lights, to signal oncoming traffic to DIM their lights, to be jack-offs when they are feeling angry.

  9. (1) telling you your brights are on

    (2) telling you your lights are off

    (3) warning you of police radar ahead

    (4) move out of the way (from behind)

  10. Speed or police trap ahead..recognition...your door is not shut or body etc on roof...

  11. Flashing the brights to oncoming traffic:

    (1) Your headlights are blinding me--please use low beams


    (2) Speed trap ahead


    (3) Your headlights are off when they should be on

    Flashing brights behind:

    (1) Clear the passing lane (i.e. please pass and then move to the travel lane)

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