
What are some reasons vegetarians are healthier then meat eaters?

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okay i'm a lacto vegetarian...and i'm doing a project for my class to prove that its just as healthy to be a vegetarian/vegan as it is to be a meat eater. can you tell me some ways hoew its healthier if not more...

and dont post anything about how its stupid to be vegetarian either i dont care what you have to say if thats you.




  1. Vegetarians have much lower rates of heart disease, digestive disorders, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

  2. This makes interesting reading

  3. Use the information you gathered before you made your decision. It must have been very informative since you believed in it strongly enough to change your life.

  4. I donno, but im Vegan. And ever since I've been Vegan I've been really sick, although NOW I'm lactose intolerant because my body isnt amune to dairy anymore.. So now i really don't know what to do with myself.

  5. I believe that they are equally healthy- the point of food is to supply your body with the nutrients it needs, so it doesn't matter so much as what provides the nutrients, as long as your body receives them.  

    That said, I believe that in today's society non-meat eaters/people with more specialized diets tend to be healthier than the average food consumer. Why? I believe that it is simply because of food awareness. I was vegetarian most of my life, then began to eat meat for about 4 years. I gained weight, my memory became poorer, and all sorts of other negative effects came up. I do not think that it is purely because of the meat, but the way that the meat is presented (very unhealthily). When I ate meat, it was too easy to just stop by Wendy's and grap a burger, or to order a sauce covered steak at a restaurant, and to not take into consideration what I was putting into my body. As a vegetarian, I have to put more thought into what  I'm eating, which I believe results in more informed and generally healthier decisions.

    That is not to say that all meat-eaters are sloppy about what they eat, but it is very easy to neglect essential nutrients when a person's used to eating meat.

    Many meat eating people ridicule vegetarians for harming their bodies by not getting protein or vitamins supplied by meat. This is simply ignorance on their part- so many vegetables and other foods contain comparable, if not greater amounts, of what we are "missing" from our diet.

    To cap it all, if a person makes smart choices while eating meat (which is difficult when you take into account all the hormones, disease, inhumane preparation, etc), then they are eating healthy. If a vegetarian makes smart choices and gets all the nutrients they need, then they are eating healthy.

    In theory, one is not healthier than the other. Though if you consider our present society, I would say that vegetarians tend to make better food decisions.

    Hopes this helps some, I know it's a bit longwinded :)

  6. It isn't any healthier. The reason vegetarians tend to be healthier is not their choice of diet philosophy, but rather because they are careful to eat a balanced diet. If you only compared people that took the same care with their diet, but eat meat, there would be no difference. But fat slobs like myself that eat too much junk food get lumped into the same category as a health nut that eats only lean meat as part of a balanced diet.

  7. You won't be able to prove it because it is not true. A balanced diet containing chicken, fish, meat is healthier than a lacto vegetarian diet. Dairy products are one of the most unhealthy things you can put in your body. Dairy causes mucus formation and inflamation. Soy which is in most vegetarian diets is a dangerous food if not properly prepared, which it usually isn't. It must be fermented.

  8. health is based on more than meat or veggies, they claim you dont get the proper nutrients, well so you take a multivitamin and  it makes you healthier than ever.

    Meant eaters have the same choice they dont get all there proteins either.

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