
What are some reasons why a teenager should have a lock on his door?

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  1. 1.  you don't need a lock on your door

    2.  If you need to have your space, you need have family respect your space and not barge in on you.  

    3. if siblings are stealing stuff from you, don't resort to locking up fort knox, or cutting off their fingers.  Just tell them to keep out.  Tell them you will respect their space, and respect them if they respect yours.

    4.  other privacys can be afforded behind the locked door of the bathroom. ahem.

  2. It's a security thing for them, they need to know that they have the option of privacy and you have the option of respecting it. If they are asking for a lock, they are asking for privacy and for you to respect it. They are testing you, you can give them a lock and the more they lock their door the more either they are having s*x and you just cant hear it (jk) or the less they trust you to respect their privacy

  3. he/she might be g*y.

    doin drugs


    or simply wanting privacy and doesnt believe you might respect their privacy.

  4. well im a teenager and one of the main reasons why i have to have a lock its for privacy.

    I mean, just like anyone else, we like to have our privacy. In my case, i love being alone, and i dont like to be bother; i listen to music(loud),sleep, and talk on the phone where no one can listen ...

    We just enjoy having our space ........

  5. I have a lock on my door and its one of those locks that are easily picked with a toothpick, but it still gives me privacy. My parents always forget to knock and it really aggravates me. My door isnt the kind you have to open the lock on the inside to open the door you just twist the handle so there isnt a fire hazard. It think it is probably a mental thing when you have a lock that you have privacy.

    For people who dont want their kids to have locks... get the easy to pick locks so that if they dont open their still have a way of getting in

  6. i dont think a teenager should have a lock on their door.  A parent needs to know whats going on with the teen all the time.  If there is a lock on the door the parents should also have a key.  the only reason why there should be a lock in the first pace is to keep other kids out for privacy reasons.

  7. There is no need.  I would never let my son have one.

    His privacy is respected and I would worry for instance if the door was locked and something was wrong and I couldn't get in.

  8. Well...

    When I was 16, my mother found an unmarked medicine bottle full of white powder.  Convinced it was cocaine, she took a dab and put it on her tongue.

    ...when I got home, I explained that it was only Goldbond--given by a friend to help with razor burn.

    She lost her sense of taste for 3 days.

    I think snooping parents get vengence from God.  Especially when they're good kids.

    My child won't have a lock on their door ever.

  9. would you like your parents to put a lock on their bedroom door?

    it is just plain weird for family members to be putting locks on their doors...

    boundaries are set not with locks but through discussion.

  10. You shouldn't lock doors in a house.  It is a safety hazard if a fire started.

  11. I dont think any door I own in a home needs to be locked...  my child is a teen i will knock 1st.

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