
What are some recent technological advancements in archaeology?

by Guest62375  |  earlier

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I have to write about the technological advancements in archaeology that have occurred in the last 10 years? Any ideas? Thanks!




  1. Last 10 years, you say?

    Well, since the early 1900's radioisopopic dating has been assisting geophysicists date strata and the things within that strata.

    Potassium 40 decays into Argon 40 hence the "potassium/argon dating you've read about. The improvement in mass spectroscopy as applied to laser-fusion dating has greatly improved the dating process, accuracy and effort.

    You might do some research on this aspect. You might also ignore all the bible thumpery anti dating rhetoric as it is all poppycock and will make your paper invalid and stupid sounding.

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