
What are some recently extinct animals or plants?

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I need to do a project on an animal/plant that has been extinct for 30 years or less. I have to find recently extinct animals or plants that we used for food in the last 30 years.

I'm in grade 7..if that helps

I tried searching on google, ask, yahoo, etc but I couldn't find anything....




  1. Miss Waldon's red Columbus monkey

  2. western black rhinoceros

    golden toad

    guam flying fox

    might want to double check these.

  3. Here are some animals to get you started:

    Yangtze River Dolphin

    Western Black Rhino

    Pyrenean Ibex

    And some plants:

    Bennett's Seaweed

    St. Helena Olive

    St. Helena Redwood

    These are a few that were overhunted by man:

    Many Whale Species - slaughtered for oil and meat

    The African black rhinoceros - killed for its horn, used as a medicine , is critically endangered.

    The great auk and the passenger pigeon became extinct in the 19th and early 20th centuries because of overhunting

    The Carolina parakeet  - a combination of overhunting and habitat destruction.

    Plants such as cactus, orchids, and cycads are considered threatened or endangered because of overcollection for commercial purposes.

  4. The below website lists recently extinct animals.  : (

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