
What are some recipes for healthy food?

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Are there any websites, or any recipes you know of, that are HEALTHY? Any kind of salads, or anything else that's healthy

I am sick of eating cheap TV dinners, chicken, fast food, and other junk food.




  1. Lentil Soup

    8 Servings

    2 Tbs olive oil

    2 medium onions, chopped

    4 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 bay leaf

    2 stalks of celery, chopped 2 cups dried lentils

    2 carrots, chopped

    8 cups of water

    1 small can tomato paste

    4 cups shredded spinach

    Salt and white pepper to taste

    3 Tbs lemon juice

    Heat oil in a large saucepan and saut onion until soft. Add remaining ingredients except spinach and lemon juice. Mix well. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer 1 hour. Add spinach, salt, and pepper, and cook 10 more minutes. Stir in lemon juice and serve.

    Terrific Tomatoes

    4 Servings

    4 tomatoes, sliced

    3 cloves garlic, minced

    1 bunch scallions, chopped

    2 Tbs chopped parsley

    1/2 tsp each salt and black pepper


    1/3 cup olive oil

    1/4 cup wine vinegar

    1 tsp oregano

    Arrange the tomatoes on a platter. Mix garlic, scallions, parsley, salt, and pepper. Sprinkle over tomatoes. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator several hours. Prepare dressing by mixing oil, vinegar, and oregano. Drizzle over sliced tomatoes at serving time.

    Baked Eggplant

    4 Servings

    Preheat oven to 350o

    1 eggplant, sliced into -inch slices

    1 egg, beaten

    1 cup seasoned breadcrumbs

    2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced thinly

    1/2 cup olive oil

    1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

    Dip eggplant slices, one at a time, in the beaten egg. Coat with seasoned breadcrumbs and lay flat on a platter. Refrigerate the coated slices for 1 hour. Meanwhile, peel and slice garlic. In a large frying pan, add the oil and heat just until smoking. Add the garlic and fry the eggplant slices until brown on each side, about 5 minutes a side.

    Place the fried slices into an oiled, rectangular casserole. Arrange neatly and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 15 minutes.

    Eggplant-plus Stew

    4 servings

    1/4 cup olive oil

    1 eggplant, chopped

    4 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 onion, chopped

    2 carrots, sliced thinly

    2 cups fat-free chicken broth

    2 cups of tomato puree

    Salt, pepper and oregano to taste

    2 medium zucchini, sliced thickly

    1/4 cup wine vinegar

    In a large saucepan, heat the oil and add eggplant cubes, garlic and onion. Saut for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the remaining ingredients except the vinegar. Bring mixture to a boil, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in the wine vinegar and adjust seasonings.

    Vegetarian Vegetable Soup

    4 Servings

    2 medium carrots, cut into slices

    2 stalks celery, cut into 1-inch slices

    1/2 cup onion

    2 cups of water

    2 cups of tomato juice

    1/2 tsp each salt and pepper

    1 tsp soy sauce

    1 tsp oregano

    3 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 Tbs olive oil

    Place carrots, celery, and onion into a blender with 1 cup of water. Process until smooth. Combine all ingredients except olive oil in saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 6 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in

    Carrot Salad

    4 Servings

    1 lb large carrots, scraped and cut in quarters lengthwise

    1 pinch each, salt and sugar

    4 cloves garlic, chopped

    1/4 tsp each ground cumin and parsley

    wine vinegar, salt, and hot red pepper to taste

    a few coriander seed

    Cook the carrots with salt, sugar, and garlic for 15 minutes. Drain and cover with vinegar, a little more salt, and hot red pepper to taste. Perfume with cumin. Decorate with parsley and little coriander.

    Tasty Carrots

    4 Servings

    1 lb carrots, sliced into 1-inch pieces

    6 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced

    2 Tbs olive oil

    Salt and pepper to taste

    Place carrots and garlic in a large saucepan or microwave dish. Add a little water and cook until just done, about 6 minutes. Add olive oil and seasonings, stir to coat. Remove cover and cook until all liquid is evaporated and carrots are nicely glazed. Add seasonings.

    4 Servings

    1 lb green beans, washed and trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces

    1 small onion, chopped

    3 cloves garlic, minced

    2 Tbs olive oil

    1 8 oz can tomato sauce

    1 tsp black pepper

    1 tsp oregano

    Salt to taste

    Seam beans for 8 minutes until tender crisp. Saut onion and garlic in a small frying pan for 3 minutes. Add tomato sauce and seasonings. Cook 5 minutes more. Add beans and toss thoroughly to blend flavors and heat through.

  2. south beach diet is very healthy

  3. has a ton of recipes and they are so yummy. they take a recipe with a lot of fat and bad stuff in it from say mcdonalds or KFC and make it into a delicous low-calorie meal... check it out.

    low fat honey crepes-

  4. Try out a website that is on the weet-bix box. It is some website called sanitarium and has healthy good food that does not get to boring and is a change to your food

  5. both of these sites have lots of healthy recipes! enjoy! (scroll down for a list of recipes)

  6. Try Low Carb diet--

    It worked for me and this one tastes GREAT

    Oven Baked Parmesan Chicken

    4 servings

    preconditions: Pre-heat oven 350 degrees


    6 chicken breast

    1 cup Italian Salad Dressing

    2 cups Fresh Parmesan Cheese, finely shredded

    1/2 cup dried Parsley Flakes

    1 Tbsp. Garlic Pepper Seasoning

    Preparation Method:


    Pour salad dressing into pie plate and set aside.


    Mix parmesan cheese, parsley and garlic pepper together in a seperate dish.


    Dip each chicken breast in salad dressing and then dip into parmesan mixture coating both sides. Place in greased 9 1/2 x 11 baking dish. Bake 30-35 minutes or until chicken is done.


    *Left-over chicken can be used to make great chicken salad the next day by cutting chicken in small chunks and simply adding celery and mayonnaise.

  7. Go to a local library or big bookstore and browse through all the books in the cookbook section.  Start with the regular American foods.  There are so many types of cookbooks targeting various audiences with any number of special needs.  Even if you find one that includes "healthy recipes" scan through the recipes to see if those are foods or ingredients that you would actually buy, prepare and eat. Also notice if you have the necessary utensils to prepare the food - if you like that style of food preparation.

    If you find a book that you like, note the title and author. If it's too expensive, ask for it as a birthday or Christmas gift.

    The other option is, note what healthy foods you like to eat, for instance wraps, salads, stir fry cooking, soups, stews, casseroles.  Then look up the recipes in the internet.

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