
What are some recipes to make my skin softer?

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I've tried SO many things. ever since I moved to a dry city, my skin got really dry. before it was really oily.

what are some at-home recipes?




  1. Straight olive oil is great, especially at night - but it can leave stains on your pillow case.  You can mash up avocado too, and apply that (while you're laying in a warm bath).   Get some old-fashioned cold cream at the drugstore.  It's cheap and doesn't have any new skin treatment products in it..... Make sure you use a moisturizer during the day.  Avon has good tinted moisturizers....

  2. Straight coconut oil is all I have used on my skin for the last three months. It's really nice. If you buy it, get the good stuff: organic, unrefined, virgin coconut oil. Whole Foods would carry it or a local coop or other health food store.  A little truly goes a long way and if you use the right amount and rub it in well, there will be NO grease on your skin. Use it on your face or after shaving. If your skin is greasy afterwards, you are using too much. You really need a small amount.

    It can also keep your skin healthy because it has anti-viral and antimicrobial properties to it.

  3. Use olive oil as a moisturizer, it works wonders and doesn't clog your pores.

  4. fresh fruits and water.

  5. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, all sorts, lots of variety.

  6. Hand lotion

    Should be used up in 2-3 weeks, so make it only in small batches.

    Ingredients: - 30 ml Eau de cologne of you choice - 30 ml  Freshly pressed lemon juice - 30 ml  Glycerine


    Put all ingredients in to a small bottle and shake well. Shake before every use.

    perfume creme

    Ingredients: - 5ml Jojoba oil - 30 ml Almond oil - 7.5 gr Beeswax - 7.5 ml Essential oils or fragrance of your choice


    Put a small bowl, preferably glass or stainless steel, into a saucepan filled with hot water

    Pour jojoba oil and almond oil in to the bowl and mix well. Add beeswax and stir until beeswax has dissolved. Remove bowl from saucepan and add essential oils or fragrance while stirring continously.

    Continue to stir while the mixture cools down. Pour in to suitable small jars as soon as it starts to thicken. Put lids tightly on jars once your perfume creme has cooled down completely and label. Now let the jars rest in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks.

    Try to experiment with different essential oils and fragrances. A nice one to start with using essential oils would be: 10 drops Petitgrain Paraguay, 5 drops Lemon, 5 drops Bergamot, 5 drops Olibanum (Frankincense).

    baby massage oil

    Mild, delightfully scented massage oil for babies and children. It is - of course - also suitable for adults.

    Ingredients: - 50 ml Almond oil - 4 drops Lemon essential oil - 10 drops Mandarine essential oil - 10 drops Orange essential oil


    Put all ingredients in to a small bottle and shake well.

    Do not use essential oils in higher concentration than suggested above

    Hand Lotion, Perfum cream and Baby Massage Oil recipes by Hillside Herbal Products

    Recipes sent in by visitors, those i've

    tried myself or found on the web

    Jasmine Hand & Body Lotion

    ¼ cup apricot kernel oil

    1 tsp. Beeswax

    1 tsp. Cocoa butter

    1 tsp. Coconut oil

    ¼ cup distilled water

    1 tsp. Aloe vera gel

    ½ tsp. Glycerin

    5 drops jasmine fragrance oil

    Melt the butter blend in the oil over low heat then allow to cool. Measure the water, aloe vera gel and glycerin into a deep bowl. Slowly drizzle in a small amount of the oil mixture and beat vigorously with a wire whisk. Continue to drizzle and beat until all the oil is blended into the water. Stir in five drops of jasmine fragrance. Pour into a container, label and enjoy.

    Variations: Use a flower water in place of the distilled water. Use an herbal infusion, such as Calendula, in place of the distilled water. Experiment with essential oils for different fragrances and therapeutic effects.

    Peaches & Cream Moisturizing Lotion

    Peel and mash one very ripe peach. Strain through a sieve to extract all the juice. Mix peach juice with an equal quantity of fresh cream. Keep refrigerated.

    High Protein Moisturizer

    Beat 1 egg yolk into 1 cup whole milk. Apply to face with fingertips. Bottle and store remainder in refrigerator.

    Vegetable Oils

    Apply any of the following vegetable, seed or nut oils to the skin

    a) Virgin olive oil, b) Sesame oil, c) Peanut oil, d) Avocado oil

    Rose Lotion

    Use 2 parts rose water and 1 part glycerin to make a lotion. Apply nightly and work into skin.

    Lavender Toilet Water

    Lavender has a lovely soft fragrance and is used in many beauty care products, soaps and talcum powders.Lavender toilet water is refreshing, cooling and slightly antiseptic.

    Bathing the forehead and temples with Lavender water will help to overcome fatigue and exhaustion.Lavender water can be obtained from the pharmacy or it can be made at home.

    To make Lavender water, put 3 handfuls of dried Lavender flowers into a wide necked s***w top jar and add 1 cup of white wine vinegar and 1/2 cup Rose water. Leave the mixture in the dark for 2-3 weeks and shake the bottle frequently.

    Hand Lotion

    You can make an effective sweet smelling hand lotion that keep the hands soft and fragrant.

    To make a hand lotion, add sufficient Lavender oil to scent 1/2 cup of glycerine in a bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously each time before using.

    Lavender Bath

    For a refreshing bath, add a strong infusion of lavender flowers to the bath water.

    To make a lavender bath, pour 2 cups of boiling water over 2 handfuls of dried Lavender and leave until lukewarm. Strain and add to the bath water.

    Lavender Oil

    400 ml (2/3 pt) almond oil or green olive oil

    Large handful of crushed Lavender flowers

    1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

    Put all the ingredients in a s***w topped 0.5 liter (1 pt) bottle and shake vigorously. Leave the bottle on a sunny window sill for about 2 weeks, shaking well every day.

    Test that it is ready for use by rubbing a little on the skin and seeing if the perfume lasts for a few minutes; if not, keep up the process for another few days.

    Basic Cold Cream

    This recipe gives you a basic cold cream/moisturizer, which you can add to as you like with scented oils.

    1 egg yolk, bea

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