
What are some red flags to adoption disruption/dissolution?

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What are some common red flags that could lead to a disruption or dissolution?




  1. You asked for red flags for disruption.  One is money.  

    An agency gets a bonus (up to $10,000) from the Fed. Gov. for each Pre-adoptive placement.  Whenever they move the child due to "DANGER", they do not have to prove there was any danger pending for the child, then when they place the child in another pre-adoptive setting they get another bonus.  If the adoptive placement is interrupted they do not have to repay the monies......It is all about MONEY.  

    Always remember several things when you are dealing with the foster care system in hopes of adoption.  Number one it can take years to complete the necessary paperwork to make a child available for adoption.  The TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) can take years to complete.  The courts will give multiple opportunities for the parent (s) to get their act together to enable them to be reunified with their children.  You can ask for children that TPR has already taken place but you have to remember that this will almost eliminate any placements due to the fact that most of these children already have people who are interested in adoption.  

    You must also remember that the children who have been removed from their biological parents have been traumatized by both the system and/or their parents. They are in essence damaged goods and have alot of issues that you will have to deal with both as foster parents and later adoptive parents.

    You have to be willing to accept what you get along these lines, in this area there is no such thing as the perfect child.  You will find that some of these children simply just do not fit into your life style and/or your family.  There is nothing wrong

    with asking for removal of a child if it doesn't work out.  Most foster parents think that they have somehow failed a child if they ask for removal, you have not failed this child, the system has failed this child.  If this child has emotional or physical needs that you do not feel equipped to handle then have them removed.   Especially if your agency is not listening to your requests for assistance in special trainings and/or special needs for the child, ie; therapy, etc.  It is their responsibility to supply you with what you need to care for this child.  

    If you have any other questions that I can help in any way just give me a call at 1-877-FPA-CHILD or email me at Marilyn Harrison

  2. If you live in Calif the mother can take the child back before the 6 months if up.......

    OR if either mom or dad desides parental rights.

  3. Trouble in adoption paradise?  Hmmmm.

  4. The parents of the adopted baby wanting to see him/her.

    Mental illness such as: bipolar, add, adhd, and deppression.

    Unrealistic wants of the biological parents.

  5. Go to

    On the home page, there is a link to a list of red flags for disruption.

  6. The adoptive family having unreasonable expectations of the adopted child - especially a child from the foster care program. Also, a family that puts more emphasive on finding the "perfect child"  for themselves instead of looking at what needs they can fulfill for the child.

  7. #1  Multiple Diagnosis for behavioral or mental health issues...

    #2  Multiply moves while in Foster Care.... ***this either harms the child and makes trust and attachment more difficult OR is a sign the child has special needs that require intensive parenting measures....

    #3  Inexperienced parents with unrealistic expectations.

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