
What are some remedies for OA?

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What are some remedies for OA?




  1. OA????

  2. you should know how to control yourself.....and don't join to people who has that kind of attitude so you can avoid it......i hope this can help.....i can't elaborate it so far.....til' here...good luck...

  3. Natural remedies and alternative treatments have gained popularity among osteoarthritis patients. Most patients are using complementary and alternative medicine along with conventional medicine rather than in place of conventional treatments, according to a nationwide government survey. Learn more about natural remedies and alternative treatments for osteoarthritis.

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    Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) for Osteoarthritis

    Avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) have been shown in clinical studies to have beneficial effects on osteoarthritis. Avocado soybean unsaponifiables are a natural vegetable extract made from avocado and soybean oils.

    Rose Hips (LitoZin) for Osteoarthritis

    Rose hips are the seed pods of roses. A powder, made from the rose hips of Rosa canina, is more effective than placebo for arthritis pain relief.

    10 Things You Should Know About SAM-e

    SAM-e, which stands for S-adenosylmethionine, is produced in the liver from methionine. SAM-e is a popular dietary supplement used for osteoarthritis. SAM-e is thought to increase chondrocytes and cartilage thickness, and it may help decrease chondrocyte damage.

    Pycnogenol - Natural Pain Relief for Osteoarthritis

    Pycnogenol is an antioxidant plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree. Pycnogenol has been shown to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms by 56%.

    Herbal Remedies for Osteoarthritis

    Herbal remedies are popular alternative treatments for osteoarthritis. It's essential that you realize there may be problems with the safety of certain herbal remedies. Be cautious and always discuss herbal remedies with your doctor before using them.

    Advertisement Dietary Supplements: An Alternative Treatment for Osteoarthritis

    Dietary supplements are popular alternatives for osteoarthritis treatment. Dietary supplements such as glucosamine, SAMe, MSM, turmeric, and ginger are touted as effective. Is there clear evidence that the dietary supplements are safe and effective in the longterm though?

    Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis

    Acupuncture has become a popular alternative treatment. With acupuncture, needles are inserted into specific anatomical points on the body. Researchers have studied the effectiveness of acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis.

    Glucosamine: 10 Things You Should Know

    Glucosamine is a natural substance that is found in healthy cartilage. Glucosamine is also sold as a popular dietary supplement to treat osteoarthritis. The health benefits of glucosamine are still being researched.

    Traditional and Alternative Treatments - Where Should the Paths Cross?

    Alternative medicine has gained popularity while others claim it isn't backed by enough scientific research. Our expert Scott J. Zashin, M.D. offers a 5-step plan for counseling a patient about alternative medicine.

    Alternative Treatments for Arthritis: Awareness is the Key

    Patient education and awareness are imperative when considering alternative treatments for arthritis.

    The Lure of Unproven Arthritis Remedies

    People suffering from the chronic pain, discomfort, and limitations of arthritis can become so distressed they are willing to try any treatment even unproven remedies.

    How to Spot a Quack Cure for Arthritis

    A list of claims and marketing ploys which make quack cures easily recognizable.

    Massage Relieves Knee Osteoarthritis

    Massage therapy has been shown to help knee osteoarthritis. Traditional Swedish massage relieves pain and improves function though researchers admit they are not sure exactly how massage works to relieve osteoarthritis.

    Study: Acupuncture Benefits Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

    Patients with chronic pain from osteoarthritis of the hip and knee improved markedly following acupuncture and routine medical care.

    5 Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis Pain

    Cathy Wong, Guide to Alternative Medicine, shares five natural remedies that are used to provide pain relief for people with osteoarthritis.

    Study: Chondroitin Ineffective for Hip and Knee Arthritis

    Chondroitin, a dietary supplement used as a treatment for arthritis and often sold in combination with another supplement glucosamine, is no more effective than placebo at relieving pain associated with hip and knee osteoarthritis.

    Arthritis Supplements Lack Active Ingredients

    Some dietary supplements may not relieve arthritis pain effectively and the reason may surprise you.

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