
What are some remedies for stomach cramps if you are tripping on shrooms?

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symptoms include but are not limited to: stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

((((does nutmeg help?)))




  1. licorice is recommended.  doesn't sound like someone is very comfortable at all!  hope everything works out for you.

  2. d**n.

  3. Pepto bismol

    whats it like to trip on shrooms? my friedns have done it...i was thinknng about it..

    they saw walls melt and shieet...pretty crazy!

    i wanna walk threw the forest atnight on shrooms yee that would be crazy!

  4. Stop taking shrooms, that's the cure.  For future reference, nutmeg doesn't cure anything.

  5. if its gastritis you can read a our information about diet,herbs,remedies taking.

  6. Well i had a little girl who asked me to rub her tummy.And since you are on "meds" keep soda near by. And incase of runs plan ahead and get an old pan .

  7. Stop eating shrooms and the stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea will go away.

  8. sounds like you got yourself some crappy shrooms haha. or you might just be extra sensitive to the food poisoning that causes the trip, and since the most effective remedy to food poisoning is to just puke and wait it out i'm not sure what to tell you. try some acid!

  9. vitamin C

  10. Eat the little green smurfs that start trooping through your bedroom to demand you call your pineapple on the phone. Then wash them down with a sip from Happy Juice Man in between comments in your debating about the price of owl turbans on the Moon.

    Works every time.

  11. prolly not a good idea to do them if you are having these problems, not that i would suggest ever doing them, but try not doing them if you are having this problem.

    No, nutmeg makes it worse, so I was told.

    if you throw up do it in your hand and eat it quick you trip like no other, the rest is all the common symptoms.

    My bf just added that, in my opinion you should not do them at all.

    Any type of drug is bad.

    His friend used to do them , thats how he knows what he told yoou, but seriously, do not use them, they are not good for you.

  12. Homoeopathic NUX VOMICA in a low potency eg 6x, and ARSENICUM 200c will both help if taken alternately, half hourly until symptoms stop .

  13. are you sure they were psilocibe ..because you are explaining what happens when poison shrooms are ingested stages are coma convulsion ..and dirt nap

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