
What are some romantic wedding proposal ideas?

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What are some romantic wedding proposal ideas?




  1. You can do it Romeo & Juliet style - you know, if she has a balcony, you can climb up to her room, and propose to her on one knee...or if she doesn't have a balcony, you can always try to pretend to "disappear", leave her a note, put lots of clues, and have her try to find her that way (each clue reminding her of all the good times you guys had together), and then propose to her when she finds you.

  2. The park

    Where you first met

    Where you had your first date

    Where you had the most fun together

    Candle lit dinner with the first song you dance together playing in backround.

  3. If possible .. go back to the place where you two met =) Or purpose on the same day you guys met!

    I find it very romantic getting engaged on the very same spot/date where it all began.

  4. put the ring in an ice cube and put it in her glass

  5. Since your knocked up,,,,,,,,,,, Lets get hitched...................!=)

  6. I know a guy that lived in a small town and got together with his girl friends friends.  The girls friends knew he was going to ask her and they all got together on a Sat. afternoon.  They road all over town and there were signs, billboards, etc with notes to his gf.  At the end of the "scavenger hunt" he was standing on the street corner in  tuxedo, flowers, and a ring.  They video taped the entire thing.  So cool.

    And they lived happily ever after!

  7. "asked by slipknot"


  8. make it spontaneous! that will surprise her. from a womens point of view :) dont take her out to a SUPER nice dinner. that'll give it away. good luck!

  9. Bring her to the beach in the night and then ask her to marry you and maybe you guys will have s*x on the beach lol just kidding.

    Bring her to a really nice restaurant  and then put it on a bread stick.

  10. 1. Be old fashioned: Get down on one knee in a romantic restraunt, and ask your loved one to marry you.

    2. Spice it up a littile, and do the exact same thing, but on a beach!! (Because it's summer, and that just works.)

    3. Take your loved one to their favorite sporting event. When they write the little messages on the screen during half time or whatever, submit one that says "Marry Me ____?"

  11. On a hot aired balloon

    Very nice romantic vacation


    Near a very romantic and quiet beach

    A place that means a lot to both of you

    Very nice dinner

  12. in magnets on the fridge, Candels in the front yard, while she is sleeping put it on her finger, fax it and say come outside love your name then ask her, ask her the normal way, in a cup of wine.

  13. I would prefer to be taken out somewhere where it is possible to stargaze. I would prefer to lie down on the grass and gaze up at the starry sky. And I would love a proposal under the starry sky too........That's the best proposal I could imagine. Simple, down to earth and cheap. Luxury hotels, spas, restaurants etc are so overrated!!!

  14. by the ocean.

    somewhere really pretty.

    mounts. ?

  15. Have another couple that she doesnt know eat at the table next to you at the restaurant. They pretend to have a birthday. But...when the cake come out...they stop at your table and the cake says "Will you marry me?"

    Sorry short I could do.

  16. go 2 a nice vip restereaunt and lead her on then ask her

  17. Well,since majority of people are giving you retarded ideas, let me give you something REAL! Lol. I, personally would like to be proposed to in front of family, but as a surprise. Tell me we're there for a dinner party for his parent's anniversay or something and pop the question. Surprise! Surprise!

  18. If she has a dog, train it to bring you the ring during a dinner in her apartment.  Surprise her. I just got that out of the top of my head lol.

  19. take her to a really fancey restraunt and hide the ring somewhere where she can find it, and when she does propose to her.

    my cousin was going to engage to his girlfriend, and he hid the ring in his car so she wouldnt find it. but she did! and when she asked him about it he said that he wasnt going to. and that made her really upset. and she started crying when he wasnt looking. and then when they were walking back to the car he stopped her on the side walk and proposed because he didnt want to wait any longer. and neither did she! and the rest of the night she walked up to random people and showed them the ring and announced that she was getting married! haha

  20. Take her up in a hot air balloon one morning, and have "will you marry me" spelled out really big somewhere on the ground where you will be flying.

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