
What are some rules about life which kids can relate to and have fun with (details to explain inside)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I am having trouble describing what I am looking for here so please bear with me!

I am looking for ideas and rules which children could relate to and abide by.

Rules which are easy to remember and fun the practise. I DONT mean boring ones like ' respect your elders' I mean things like;

"No matter how late you are for school, there is always time for a cuddle"

"When hiding from your parents and you found a really good spot, only stay there until they start to worry, then come out"

Ok, this is oficially the worst explained question in the history of YAnswers but I hope some people get what I am on about...

Any ideas welcome... Have fun with it, from a kids perpective...

Things like that




  1. if its fun and easy to do then it must be right?

  2. If it bothers you, go with the flow;

    If it bothers another, take action.

  3. Im guessing you mean, take a real rule, and make it sound fun?

    For what age group is it?

  4. Everything in your life falls into one of these two categories:1)things you can control and 2)things you can't control.

    One of the most important things in category # 2 is 'WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU.' Since those thoughts are in someone else's head, you absolutely, positively can't control them.

    Once you have learned the above, don't spend any of your valuable time worrying about what others think of you.

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