
What are some rural hazards? Where do they occur? And how can I avoid the conflict?

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What are some rural hazards? Where do they occur? And how can I avoid the conflict?




  1. Rural road crashes are generally more severe than crashes on urban roads due to differences in operating speeds, road geometry, functionality, enforcement levels, and other factors. This accounts for the high proportion of rural road fatalities in relation to total road crash fatalities.

    In spite of these differences, it is apparent that at the international level as much as 75 percent of all crashes on rural roads fall into three categories: single-vehicle crashes (especially running off the road), head-on collisions, and collisions at intersections. This number is completely consistent with figures for the United States, which indicate that these three crash types account for as much as 79 percent of rural crashes.

    Single-vehicle crashes constitute 35 percent (46 percent in the United States) or more of all fatal rural road crashes. This type of crash is the most prevalent because all three elements of the family of hazardous factors — driver behavior, the vehicle, and the road (infrastructure) — contribute to these crashes and increase their severity.

    Head-on collisions make up nearly 25 percent (18 percent in the United States) of all fatal crashes on rural roads. Driver behavior and the infrastructure are the principal factors in these crashes.

    Drive alert, drive under the speed limit and watch the road and the traffic.

  2. Living in South Dakota, I usually have the most trouble with them d**n cowboys and indians fighting and running across the roads.  At night, the cowboys' wagons can come out of nowhere and I've wrecked a few cars by them.  The best thing you can do is extend friendship towards them by offering food and supplies to the cowboys and smoking the peace pipe with the indians and then usually they'll be okay and try to stay out of your way.

  3. tractors on your side going slow

    tractors on the opposite side and not enough room to pass



    hunting dogs

    they always occur just round a bend when you least expect it

    keep your eyes on the road

    concentrate on driving

    keep your car well maintained- good tyres and brakes

  4. rural hazards? do you mean things you may encounter on rural roads? if so they can be numerous, some are roads that can suddenly become narrow or with blind curves, one lane bridges or underpasses, animals in the road, farm vehicles, fallen trees, loose gravel on the pavement, paved roads that suddenly turn into dirt roads, and so on. having spent some time living in rural southwest VA and NC i've seen all this and more. the worst can be in winter as backroads get less attention and any shady spot can be solid ice. one more thing, there's nothing scarier than a black cow in the middle of the road at night.

  5. DEER__deer deer....I can't stress that enough  at night watch out!.....narrow roads etc...if you will drive about 10 miles per hr.  less than you think you will do just fine...good luck!

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