
What are some safe trustworthy charities to send my good used clothes to needy children overseas?

by Guest56862  |  earlier

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I really want to donate my nice used clothes to needy people overseas, but am afraid to send to just anyone. Does anyone know of a charity that will really send the clothes to needy people overseas and not keep for themselves? So much is given to our country, I just want to give from my heart to the needy overseas who really are in need and have nothing.




  1. Ya know, I think it's kinda sad that everyone is so concerned with kids overseas.  you say so much is done for people here in the states, but ya know what?  There are still A LOT of people without.  I understand you want to help people, but why is it that kids here in the states aren't worthy of it, while other ones are??

    But anyways, if you contact the salvation army, they don't just help people here.  it is a great organization that helps everyone, even overseas.  Which is where my point lies.  Why be selective on who you want to help?  

    Good luck, and please don't think I'm saying that you wanting to give is a bad thing.  It's great.  Happy holidays.

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