
What are some safety measures I can take before a long road trip?

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I have GPS navigation, a cell phone, and roadside assistance. I am also having my car tuned up before we go.

What are some other hints and tips to assure that I am safe on the road?




  1. Make sure when you take it to be tuned up, they change your oil, check your antifreeze, tranny fluid... basically a complete tune up. Check all your tires. Just to be safe, make sure you have extra bottles of water in your trunk & a blanket. You should always be prepared. Also, make sure you have a car charger for your cell phone, just incase!. Be safe.

  2. just be careful when leaving your house or wherever u live most accidents happen within a mile of your house and dont drive a red car. red cars have the highest accident ratio

  3. You sound like a smart person and you are doing all that is needed but here are some things that you should have with you on your trip and some tips.

    The most common driving distractions:

    Adjusting the stereo

    Other passengers in the car

    Moving objects in the vehicle

    Cell phones

    Eating or drinking while driving

    Personal grooming

    Adjusting the vehicles climate controls

    Smoking while driving

    Outside distractions:



    Friends in other vehicles

    Construction sites

    Road rage and other drivers

    You never know what you might need in case of an emergency. Make sure you keep the following items in your vehicle.

    Fully charged cell phone

    Pen or pencil and a pad of paper

    Vehicle operating manual

    Emergency service information

    Signal flares

    Instant plug for flat tires

    Flashlight with extra batteries

    Bottled drinking water

    Preserved snacks


    Paper towels

    Jumper cables

    Warning triangles or reflectors

    Engine coolant

    Windshield wiper fluid

    Tire pressure gauge

    Ice scraper

    Vehicle jack with flat board for soft surfaces

    Tool kit including duct tape and heavy gloves


  4. umm well a blanket and some extra tires

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