
What are some safety schools for me? NEED HELP!!!!!?

by Guest63872  |  earlier

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I have a 3.7 GPA, consisting of mainly honor level classes and 4 AP.

SAT: reading 590, math 740, writing 650, and planing to take one in October.

ACT: 31, with 10 on the writing

AP scores: US history 4, Calc AB 5, Physics B 5, Chem 5

SAT II: Chem 790, Math II 800, Physics 800

Over 100 hours of community service at a local hospital.

Qualified for the AIME

Got 1st place in FBLA Accounting II in NYS, and competed in the NLC

Got in the top 5 in 4 events for Science Olympiad regionals, and competed in NYS competition

Played Varsity Tennis for since freshman year

Treasurer for 2 clubs, and co-tutor for NHS

I'll appreciate all suggestions on safety schools, thx

Preferably a school with a good premed or pharmacy program




  1. Your school resume looks good enough to choose about anywhere.  Good scores and lots of involvement.  If you know that you want a pre-med program look at a school that has a decent graduate program.  You will have a better chance getting into Med school at a University that you already attend.  If I were you I would apply at some Universities due to your motivation.  Private or smaller schools are very good but may not have as much to offer for student that wants to be super active and build a resume to help get into Med school.  Anyways, I would choose safety schools based on what they offer you in the future (Med/Pharmacy graduate programs) don't look for schools that you are applying to just because they are easy to get into.  Your state universities are always good choices.

  2. First of all, I would suggest NOT submitting your SAT score--submit your ACT...your SAT is a bit low for the top colleges (you should break 2100)

    I would suggest these safeties: U Michigan Ann Arbor, U Wisconsin Madison, Syracuse, Tulane, Boston University, George Washington U, American (major safety)...

    If a 3.7 is your unweighted GPA, matches might be places like Emory, Wash U St. Louis, UCLA, USC

    Reaches (if your 3.7 is the unweighted GPA) might be Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Cornell

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