
What are some sayings that are similar to ''don't make a mountain out of a molehill?

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What are some sayings that are similar to ''don't make a mountain out of a molehill?




  1. This really means don't over-rate a small issue and think it a large one.


    Don't miss the forest for the trees.  This says that looking at an individual tree too closely might cause you to lose sight of the totality of the forest.

    A counter-quote ( saying the opposite ) is: Great oaks from tiny acorns grow.

  2. A drop of ink makes a million think

    If you stink you need zinc

    If you chokes a smurf what colour do they go

    A rolling stone gathers no moss

  3. dont cut of ur nose to spite your face

  4. think before you leap

  5. Making mountains out of molehills has to do with anxiety and making some big out of something insignificant. Like, "Don't cry over spilled milk".

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