
What are some sayings that get on your nerves?

by  |  earlier

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sayings that irritate me are:

can I be honest with you? (no please lie to me)

I'm going to take a leak. (are we in a gas station?)




  1. "you know what they say..." (no, actually, i don't. and who is THEY?)

  2. LMAO this is a fun question

    one thing that bugs me is when i'm telling a really intense story, and the person i'm telling it to goes "OMFG no way?! that was SUCH an amazing story, do you have time to tell it again!?" (from superbad =P) but i'm guilty of doing this too. lol.

  3. I HATE HATE HATE it when I say "She .... " and some smartarse says "Who's she, the cat's mother?"

    Of course I'm not talking about the flipping cat's flipping mother. I'm talking about whatever female I was talking about, and simply saving time with an perfectly acceptable pronoun!!!!

    See how angry I get? Multiple exclamation marks.

  4. 'Yo I ain't seen you in a minute' (adding 'dawg' is optional)

    somehow a minute means a loong time!

  5. i told you so and no offence coz they always end up saying something offensive

    please answer;...

  6. When someone says "It's all good" when it's really not.

  7. Dis Sh*t is hard

  8. I have a friend that says "Get outta here!" whenever I tell a story, and it bugs me after a while.

  9. i hate it when you say "what's up" and they say "the sky"

  10. 'what's up' & 'you scare me'

  11. if its meant to be, it will be-gets on my nerves. its a cop out answer to me

  12. "monkey see monkey do"

    i hate that! it don't sound right

  13. The worst offender is HUH? when they are looking at you and heard what you said.

  14. Don't worry [name] I'm here for you...

    Argghh bugs the h**l outta me

  15. I hate it when people add "...and everything like that" after every sentence they speak.

    also, telling someone to "calm down" when they're really upset--never has anyone calmed down after someone has told them to.

    Also, when people say "you know what I mean?" too much in one conversation.

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