
What are some schools I could get merit scholarships at?

by Guest59027  |  earlier

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-k so I really want to get out of state, but in case financial aid doesn't cut it, i would like to apply to some schools where i could get merit scholarships. What would be some good schools I could get full-ride or full-tuition scholarships at?

-I go to a competitive high school in GA

-I have a 94.5 average

-10 honors classes and by the time I graduate I will have 9 APs

-class rank: 60/505 (i know, not so great but it's because of all of the honors and APs)

- SAT: 2150 (670 CR 770 Math 710 W)

- SAT IIs: 720 US History, 670 Math 1, 630 Spanish

-National Merit Commended Scholar

-AP Scholar with honor


-1 month community service summer program (about 120 hours) after 10th grade

- Jr. Civitan club (secretary then president, member every year)

- class council- every year

-BBYO( jewish youth organization)- every year.

-treasurer of Peers Against Cancer-9th and 10th

-NHS-11th and 12th

-i've been involved in other clubs, but those are the main ones

-had a job at AE this year & will work there next year




  1. Out of state tuition is ten times the real cost of school and a rip off.  You don't get a better education, you just pay more for what the person sitting next to you is.  All that stuff you listed is all well and nice, but merit scholarships usually don't cover when someone "chooses" to take the more expensive out of state route.  I suggest you work as hard as you can on great GPA and admission test scores and find a state school to give you a great scholarship.  The best school for anyone is the one they can attend with the least amount of student loans.  This will be a different school for everyone.  Don't be fooled by large "scholarship" amount offered to you.  A 20K scholarship isn't too great at a school that is 40K total and you don't have the extra 20K lying around.  Also be aware, you will always be charged the out of state rate at any school you go to out of state.  They wont change it to in state after you have been attending a year or two or even three.

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