
What are some selection techniques an employer can use other than interviewing?

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What are some selection techniques an employer can use other than interviewing?




  1. In all techniques every degree of resources are a necessary "factor".  This would include "background checks", references contacted, "credit report" reviewed, past employment researched, etc., all documents required.

    I do know companies employing without interview.  They are specialized areas in "Engineering", "Technical", and others.  Usually highly recommended by schools or other employment and "securing" a job initially may be for a period of months, on trial basis, before offer of a contract.

    The "interview" is important to most businesses.  First impressions, character, communication, intelligence, ability to work with others, preparedness for the interview, and other traits, often can be seen by professionals in business.  "Interviews" initiate where one losses or is "hired".

    Hope this helps.

  2. Ask one simple question: Are you freak who thinks she is hip and cool by being a wannabe vegan but still rips the flesh off of harmless fish and stuffs it down her fat gullet?

  3. Check references like past supervisors, drug test, criminal background check, give them a test about the products, give them a test about the laws of the industry, give them a test about telephone skills, give them a test of their typing speed, etc.

    P.S. See what their grades in school were, check what score they got on the SAT, give them a test where they have to count a big bag of play money.

  4. educational background, qualifications, appearance, personality, do you think the candidate will fit-in?, can they work the required schedule?

    just a few that i use

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