
What are some shows you'd like to see modernized (brought back)?

by  |  earlier

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I was just looking at one from my youth, that i wonder how many people remember

"You Cant Do that on Television"

it was a kids version of... SNL but no music or anything.

Kids would do all sorts of things like one scene they were showing, this kid is in class and the teacher asks him if he is trying to get detention and the kid says yes that his mother didnt want to have to hire a babysiter every day for him, and he asked the teacher if he would babysit him in detention so the teacher tells him to leave and go hang out somewhere, which only means the arcade room.

there were gags like if a cast member said "Wet" or "Water" it would fall from the ceiling on them

or "I dont know" would always get em slimed.

I think something new with that would be good

or a modern "Not Neccesarily the News"

that was a show i think back on HBO in the 80's. It had some pretty well known comedians on it, and always did gag news.

what are some others that could look good today




  1. Wander what the mickey mouse club would be like ?

    UK show The word, that would be a great comeback!!

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