
What are some significant constitutional issues in America today?

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What are some significant constitutional issues in America today?




  1. the powers vested in the Executive Branch and how far they are allowed to curtail civil liberties in times of duress.

  2. Right to citizenship because you were born in the U.S. and any laws against citizens because they were not born in the U.S.

    Arnold for President!

  3. Illegal immigration, and the lack of elected officials to uphold the oath they took, when sworn into office, to support the Constitution.

  4. Some of the issues concerning the Constitution:

    1.What exactly does " The Right to Bear Arms" mean in the 2nd

         Amendment? What type of weapons are included? Not included?

    2. Are all people arrested by the US Government entitled to "due  

        process" ? Just how far does the government's right to search or

        seize without a warrant, listen in to people's conversations go?

        4th and 5th amendments.

    3. Is the death penalty 'cruel and unusual punishment? 8th


      Of course the abortion rights issue is there, equal protection under

       the law, 14th amendment. But these above are the oldies but

       goodies. Hope this helps.


  5. there is the democrat attempt  to stifle free speech. the famous incident with Rush Limbaugh and most recently the fuhrer Blinky pelosi telling a Senator what he can say

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