
What are some signs of paranormal presence?

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I have heard voices, I've seen ghostly figures (and to all who answered my other question, those shadowy figures aren't the only things I have seen), I have seen shadowy figures. and have had my freaking TV turned off by something I couldn't even see. Are these any of the signs?




  1. The spirit that came to me did these things too, I thought is was a ghost at first. The one day I spoke to it for the first time, I said, " Go away, leave me alone". She started speaking out loud as she floated just above me. My first thought was, she's an angel....her voice was very beautiful and comforting.

    Then after some memory of past life times and dreams she gave to me, and seeing, hearing, just how gentle and compassionate she was, I ascertain she's my spirit guide.

    My story on this one spirit is very long since I have communication for four solid years, and not once ever did she try to hurt me, actually she helped me and my son, she would wake me when he was sick, she helped me fight off a bad spirit once in them four years. She encourage me to go on. Now, She just checks in now and then.

    But I have notice that she at times would either be completely white or at times gray or grayish to whitish. And there were others as well.

    Sounds like they are trying to gain your attention, perhaps you should try to speak to it and basically test the spirit.

    Sometimes spirits will come when you prayed to God, I know she was sent, that's when it all started just after my prayer for help and protection.

  2. Some of the kids on psychic kids are faking, because that what there parents tell them to do. Anyway, some signs of a presence are voices (whispers it would not be actual tone voices), glimpses of white/shadowy figures, feeling that someone is touching your hand/hair. They can sometimes turn on and off the stove, turn the tv on and off, and play with the lights. Also having keys disappear and reappear in different places, I would put a key on the table and see if it is moved any the next day.


  3. I too feel bad for the kids on that show, however I don't get psychic vibes from all of them. There have only been a few whom I felt really had spiritual power. I've experienced the same things you have. I've had scratches appear on my body (healed scratches that appear 2 days old but are brand new), my mother's burned sage to rid our house of spirits, I hear them, sometimes I see them, they talk to me in dreams, and I feel their emotions.  I see shadowy figures in the corner of my eye, and turn around but there's nothing there. Sometimes I'll feel energy in a certain area, which usually means there's a spirit in the area. I usually keep these things to myself, but randomly one day I had a friend come up to me and tell me how spiritually strong I was. Have these things happened to you? If so, then you are probably a medium or sensitive.

             I was desperate to make these things stop, and thought that if I pushed myself away from God they would stop. I lost faith in God and the things that happened to me (good and bad) did stop for a while. However the bad experiences returned and the good ones haven't. I'm about as lost as you are. I'm going to continue praying to God  (believe it or not that does help). I use to have a cross to ward off evil spirits and removed it, but I'm thinking about putting it up again.

           My only advice is to try to strengthen your connection to God. The stronger your connection is to divine energy, the higher your spiritual level and the less you will see spirits on lower plains (i.e. demons etc). God has given you this gift for a reason. It's up to you to use it for the good of mankind. Love and peace to you!!!

    Feel free to talk to me if you have any questions!

  4. I did an investigation on a house in Salem, Ohio, where a woman said her TV turned on and off by itself.  There were strange knockings on her walls.  One night she woke up from sleep because she felt like some one was sitting on her chest.  She asked that who ever was on  her to please get up and the feeling went away.  When we investigated, there turned out to be a ghost in her kitchen and living room that kept saying on the EVP "This is my house."  or  "My house."  He was very possessive of what he considered to be his home.  The lady asked the spirit to please leave her two children alone because she did not want them to be afraid.  To this day the spirit has not bothered them.  He still annoys the mom by turning lights on and off or the TV, but the atmosphere seems to be more playful.  So, what you are experiencing could be signs of a presence in your home.

  5. The classic signs are seeing flashes in your third eye and feeling your thymus pulsate. Both together, if possible.

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