
What are some signs......?

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that you are no longer straight?




  1. If you haven't been to the chiropractor for a REALLY long time!

  2. This is a good one...I recall the old 'Burma Shave' signs that used to be along the country  But, back to your signs...the one sure sign you're not straight is that you have an attraction to people of the same s*x...and, if you are attracted to the same s*x as yourself, you're g*y...and if you're attracted to both genders, then you're's pretty simple...EXCEPT when one is in puberty...and then everything is up for grabs because many people experience same s*x attraction during this period and it doesn't mean just part of growing up...  Going through puberty can be rough and only time and patience will answer the question...are you g*y, bisexual or straight...  Just be patient, get involved with your studies, go out for sports, develop some hobbies, volunteer at your local hospial, library, nursing home, hospice, etc...  Just keep busy and it will be all over before you know it...

  3. When you think about girls more then guys.

    When you think about having s*x with girls instead of guys.

    When you don't imagine yourself with a guy, but yet; a girl.

    Those are the major signs.

  4. when u loose intrest in guys

    and start to wonder about girls

  5. maybe if you are attracted to girls not guys???? lol just a thought...

  6. well, I can't say I was ever straight, but at the age of about 14 (5 years ago), I realized that it was possible that I liked the time, due to my upbringing, I was in denial, because I was taught that one chose to be g*y, and I never it wasn't until about 2 years ago that I finally accepted the fact that I am g*y...I guess it's just one of those things that you know in the back of your mind, coupled with the fact that you are obviously attracted to the same s*x and not the opposite s*x...

  7. Hey, when a s**y lady walks by and you look at her but, and you like what you see. If you just sitting up and start thinking of having s*x with lady.

  8. When you stop having interest in the opposite s*x and start getting interested by the same s*x.  

  9. When you start thinking about girls instead of guys. When you think of guys it sort of grosses you out.

  10. sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... uuuupppppppppppppppp

  11. 1.)When you show your interest sexually in the same s*x members!!

    2.)If you are a girl you will start behaving like guys!!

    3.)You will usually m********e with the thought of having s*x with same s*x members!!

    That's all!!

    Hope this helps!!

    & welcome...if you are a homosexual!!

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