
What are some signs that someone would be suicidal?

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I'm not but worried that a friend might be. What are some symptoms to suicide?




  1. if one day he or she wake up and dresses her or his self like acting like she move on and nothing happens and if she's giving her or his valuable things.

  2. if they're depressed and think or talk about death a lot, that's a clue. not eating, too much sleep, doing badly in school, not connecting to thers.  Sadly a lot of people don't know they're depressed because it's normal for them.  it helps to have good friends to trust and talk to about life, even if it's not your responsibility to fix things for them.  there's treatment for depression and if we think someone is seriously so, we owe it to them to urge them to get help.  

  3. Ask them. You will not make them suicidal by asking them about suicide. Express your concerns and say 'have you had any thoughts about suicide, and have you made any plans?'

  4. My brother just got put into a Clinic because his psychologist thinks he's suicidal.

    Maybe telling his story will help?

    Me and him have always been very skinny but I guess for a guy it's even harder to store fat. He's very very skinny

    and sees a skeleton when he looks in the mirror. And he can't go outside because he thinks everyone's looking at him. Body Dismorphic disorder or something like that. So he was always in his room and didn't have any friends and got very very depressed and lost his appetite completely. So he doesn't eat and has gotten so skinny that now he actually does look like a skeleton. He dropped out of school in year 10 because everyone called him an "anorexic emo" and gave him **** all the time. He's had depression for 3 straight years now and barely left his room and started self harming. At the pyschologist she asked him to sign a form that said that he won't self hard for a month. He refused to sign it and she sent him to the clinic thinking that he's suicidal.

    Suicidal people usually have so much going on their plate that they think anywhere would be better than here. Life's unfair and added pressures can push people over the edge. Being seriously suicidal or depressed isn't something that just goes away and seeing a healthcare professional really does make a difference even when it feels like there's no hope left but to kill themselves. And I'm speaking from personal experience. I remember wanting to kill myself when I was just 7 years old and judge me all you want but you don't know me. If your friend is seriously suicidal panicing about it WILL NOT help. Make sure that they know they can confide in you with anything because as a friend that's your job.

    Over and out

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