
What are some similarities that we Mexicans have with Filipinos?

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What are some similarities that we Mexicans have with Filipinos?




  1. You have two of everything. two arms, legs, eyes, ears etc etc, but,  the Filipinos also have a brain. ha ha ha ha ha

  2. Mexicans and Filipinos are very similar culturally.  I believe this is because both of them were subjected to Spanish colonization, although the mexican cultures integrated the spanish influence a bit more closely.

    This led to a rather shakey but devout understanding of the Catholic faith, and a yearning for a nationalist identity.  Both cultures retain their respective roots, but have a heavy overlay of spanish culture on top of them.  As is endemic with former Spanish colonies, corruption in government is rampant, and money flows towards power.  Power was maintained for years by both cultures by suppressing literacy, which promoted a permanent lower class of impoverished workers.  Because of their intense pride, both cultures are considered hot-blooded.

    Both groups also have very beautiful women, I might add. . .

  3. Both likes to go find jobs (and possibly live) in the U.S. lol.

  4. look at the Native Americans came from and were the filipinos were they come from look at Asia Asia Asia Asia

  5. Oh yes! We Filipinos like to have siestas, after all, we were once colonized by the same country :) We celebrate fiestas (but I think the idea of fiestas are diminishing from big cities like Manila) :(  Other than that, I can't think of anything right now.. Hope that helps =D I think you would get more answers if you posted this in the "Philippines" section =D

  6. Both are mostly a combination of oriental and Spanish.  The native Americans are of oriental descent.  Aztecs are one of the more recent migrants from Asia.  In the Philippines, the Asians are from what is called the Austronesian invasion.  These were mostly people that moved from Tibet, through Korea, through Taiwan, and then moving by sea some 10 thousand years ago into the islands of the Pacific.  What is kind of interesting is that the migrants originated from the same place, Tibet and the migrants from Asia that were decendents of Aztecs are from about the same age as the Philippino decendants.  In both ethnic groups, there are some other minor races mixed in.

  7. Hispanic surnames.  That's about it.  I like to have a nap (siesta) in the afternoon, but I don't know if that's typical of all filipinos or just me.

  8. 4000 miles

  9. Both countries were Spanish colonies and both countries speak Spanish.

    Las Filipinas started speaking English in 1898 after the American-Spanish war.

  10. In the two cultures, the male roles are believed to be the strongest, more dominant in public. yet, in the more intimate domestic dimension, allot of respect and power is given to women. That's a commendable characteristic of the two cultures.

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