
What are some simple consequences of not recycling?

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What are some simple consequences of not recycling?




  1. we have to mine more minerals and metals to replace those we don't recycle, we have to cut more trees, from which we make paper , we have to find more places  where we dispose of the materials we don't recycle (dumps), we have to pay more for some products.

  2. You may not feel as good about yourself.

    Other than that, not much.  Most of the "recycling" the average person does makes little impact on anything.

    Many of the larger trash collectors end up sorting the garbage themselves or mixing it back up and much of what you think is getting recycled is not.

    The best thing you can do for yourself, your country and the environment is to work as hard as you can & produce as much as you can to keep the economy going, keep innovation going foward, help businesses & individuals create & invent new technologies, etc.

    The best thing for the environment is a roaring economy.  The United States continues to invent & produce newer technologies, cleaner technologies, etc.  The worst thing we could do is impair or impede our growth.

  3. 1) direct effects : if we don't recycle we have to cut down more oxygen producing and pollution removing trees.

    2) secondary effects, plastics not recycled and put into  landfills as well as electronic items leach lead and other toxins into the water table.

    3) energy effects: it takes more energy to do initial production of products than it does to recycle products like metals and glass.

  4. Higher waste disposal fees.   If a person doesn't care about anything else, that alone should make them think about what they toss.

  5. We will use up all the resources and we will be still hungry! !  !

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