
What are some simple steps or creative ideas that people can take at home and work to combat global warming?

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What are some simple steps or creative ideas that people can take at home and work to combat global warming?




  1. Their are none.  If global warming is happening and man is the cause as some claim, anything short of living a completely natural life will be a pointless attempt until we develop and alternative energy source.  Think about it.  So you switch to these new light bulbs.  How much good are you really doing when they still are being produced by power which comes from fossil fuels.  More fossil fuels are burnt to power the machines which make the packages for those light bulbs.  Then more fossil fuels are burnt to ship those bulbs to your local walmart.  Then more fossil fuels are burned to create power to heat, cool and light the store.  Then you burn fossil fuels to drive to and from that store to buy the bulb.  Then you toss out the wrapper and your old bulbs.  More fossil fuels are burned hauling this stuff away to the dump or recycling center.  Once it is recycled, more fossil fuels are burned to transport these raw materials to the plant which uses them in the construction of new materials.  I am sure that I missed some fossil fuel burning steps in there but I think you get the point.  Do you see how the energy you might save by switching bulbs is so minute, it is pointless unless an alternate energy source is created or invented?

  2. GW is propagated lie by Gore. His movie was a fake . If it isn't broke ,don't fix it.

  3. sure u can walk in stead of riding ur car or u can car pull or take the bus.turn off ur lights when they are not in use, turn off ur computer drive a smaller car,recycle,use containers instead of wrap,use reusable shopping bags, plant some trees,that's all i could think of for now.

  4. global warming is a hoax

  5. let me assure you there is no such thing as global warming no its not bad to make your life a little greener as they say. i mean its good to recycle and stuff. but global warming is a political scam.

  6. Unplugging an appliance just because it is plugged in will not save energy unless it is in standby (TV, microwave with clock, phone charger). It's the same as remobing a lightbulb when the light switch is turned off. Although I don't believe unplugging a LCD TV that is left in standby when the power consumed is less than 1W.

    A power meter that fits between the appliance & power socket will show you the power consumption of an individual device.

    Low energy light bulbs are a good place to start along with turning off lights when you leave a room.  I had 9x 50W bulbs in my living room that were replaced by 1 x 18W CFL.

    Use a washing machine at a low temperature & only a full load.

    Insulation in lofts & walls is another.

    In London, they  turned off all the lights in the Lloyds building & Wembly stadium for 1 hour, the energy saved could power a house for 2.5 years!!

  7. Carpool to work, or take a bus or ride a bike if possible.  Even if only once a week, or once a month!  Conserve energy by diligently switching off lights when not using them.  Also, appliances that are plugged in do use energy, even if they are not on.  (Have you ever seen the tags on hair dryers warning you to be careful about water, even if the hair dryer is turned off?) So getting into the habit of unplugging easy-access things like toasters, hair dryers, etc, would make a big difference.  Those are just a few ideas!

  8. Okay I have always cared about the environment, and have always lectured people and tooken care of it! ALWAYS! its important!

    Here are some VERY SIMPLE ideas,

    Buy a hybrid, bike or jog places, recycle, use batter more energy efficient lightbulbs, get a group together and pick up garbage off of your local area! reduce the amount of greenhouse gases put into our atmosphere, reduse the cutting down of our trees! Move into an environmentally friendly house! Its all simple! You shouldn't just sit there and watch our planet goes to waste and dye off, and to me people who say it is a hoax, are only saying that because they are to attached to their regular lazy lives, or they are just to scared to believe its real! But NEWSFLASH..... it IS real!

    How hard can it be to ATTLEAST recycle, and stop throwing your cigarette butts and garbage out the window! There is a simple and usefull thing called a garbage can!!!

    UGH!!! just typing this pisses me off!

    How can some of you people be so f-ing careless!!! this world is gonna be gone soon and what next! huh!

    you'll be saying "why didn't I listen to Al Gore, or the scientists who warned us so often?!"

    But we still have time, recycle, buy efficient sources, its all very easy!

    Protect our Earth, but keep yourself happy doing it! and you can even get groups together!

    Hope this answer helped...

    Courtney D.

  9. CLICK THIS ONLY THING YOU CAN DO FROM HOME IS GETTING PEOPLE TOGETHER IN GROUPS and get a salvage license so you can keep the rich rewards when your group extracts the sands of time that man has never touched forever and as you extract it and put a extra layer on our beaches and screen it you may find jewels debri and other valuable objects and at the same time you'll be helping deleting global warming and helping our continents from being engulfed by the ocean

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