
What are some simple things I can do in my home to go "Green"?

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What are some simple things I can do in my home to go "Green"?




  1. Plug everything that doen't need to stay on 24/7 into power strips.  Turn the strip off when nothing on it is being used.

    Stop using plastic grocery bags, buy reusable grocery totes.  If you have to use the plastic bags, take them back to the grocery for recycling.

    Try to buy loose fruit and veggies.  Shop at farmers markets and buy locally grown produce in season.

    Raise the temperature on the AC and lower it on the heater.  Use shades, blinds and drapes to help keep your home cool.

    Don't run the dishwasher unless it is full.

    Fill the basin to shave instead of letting the water run.

  2. Grow herb and vegies. You don't need heaps of space.

    "No junkmail" sticker on letterbox.

    Madonna Lillies are one of the best plants for cleaning indoor air. (Also known as Peace Lillies).

    Energy-saving light bulbs are great. They'll cut a lot off your energy bill.

  3. Compost and recycle!  Work toward zero trash to go to the landfill.

  4. Change out some incandescent light bulbs for CFL's Compact Florescent LIghts.

    Weatherstrip your doors and windows.  Keep the cool air in during the summer and the hot air in in the winter.

    When you buy appliances, buy the Energy Star versions.  These will save energy and water in the long run.  Especially the fridge and washer/dryer.

    Turn down your water heater to the point that you get just enough hot water for you use.

    Change out your toilets, faucets and shower head to low flow designs.

    Turn off lights you are not using.

    Turn the heat down a few degrees in the winter (wear a sweater) and turn up the thermostat a few degrees in the summer (take clothes off).

    Water your yard lawn/plants only when necessary and only in the early morning or late evening.

    Walk or use public transportation instead of driving.

    There's a lot more, just think about it.

  5. Use the spiral fluorescent bulbs that are energy star rated. Clean your house with all natural cleaners, Clorox has just come out with a new plant based  product line. Any thing you can buy that is all natural will help you go green. I don't know if yo have a Natures Pharm near you or a Watkins, Shackly, dealers, these all have the natural things for you to use, like shampoos, bath soaps, medicines, cleaners, etc. You can even check these out on line if you would like.

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