
What are some simple ways that I can go green?

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Example: Someone told me I could conserve water by putting 1 bottle of water (with the cap on) in my toilet tank. Saves water every time I flush!




  1. Here are some of the BEST sies on the web visit them all for ways to help save the planet :

    some books:

    365 ways to change the world : how to make a difference--one day at a time / Michael Norton.

    500 ways to change the world / Global Ideas Bank ; edited and compiled by Nick Temple.

    Farewell, my Subaru : an epic adventure in local living / Doug Fine

    Go green, live rich : 50 simple ways to save the Earth and get rich trying / David Bach, with Hillary Rosner.

    The green book : the everyday guide to saving the planet one simple step at a time / Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen with a foreword by Cameron Diaz and William McDonough

    Green living : the E magazine handbook for living lightly on the earth / by the editors of E/the environmental magazine.

    It's easy being green : a handbook for earth-friendly living / Crissy Trask ; illustrations by Mike Clelland.

    The lazy environmentalist : your guide to easy, stylish, green living / Josh Dorfman

    Making kind choices : everyday ways to enhance your life through earth- and animal-friendly living / Ingrid Newkirk ; foreword by Paul McCartney

    MySpace OurPlanet : change is possible / by the MySpace community ; with Jeca Taudte ; foreword by Tom Anderson

    Sustainable planet : solutions for the twenty-first century / edited by Juliet B. Schor and Betsy Taylor.

    Worldchanging : a user's guide for the 21st century / edited by Alex Steffen ; foreword by Al Gore ; design by Sagmeister

  2. try walkin or cycling to work, it's a good cardio apart from being a "greener" option. ditch old obselete stuff that consume lot of energy...

  3. you could join your local freecycle group - community recycling! basically you offer things you don't want, or ask for things you'd like, and local people respond. saves landfill as things don't go to waste, and reduces carbon emissions created by making new things instead of reusing existing ones

    otherwise, the standard advice is good-

    - don't take plastic bags; reuse old ones, or join morsbags and make your own

    - use less energy - turn lights off, have shorter showers, don't use tumble driers, cycle instead of using the car...

    buy local - reduce the carbon footprint of the food you buy

    - recycle!

  4. you could go green by having solar lamps. Or by recycling your plastics and glass. If you like swimming you could buy  a solar juccuzi.

  5. well this is why i usually do when i go to the market.

    1, if i get lots of food i get PAPER bags. use them and the recycle them

    2. if i get like one water bottle, ask them not to give you a bag. (or whenever you dont really need it)

    3. DONT use styrafoam.

  6. recycle

    buy organic cleaning products and clothing

    buy the compact fluoresent lightbulbs

  7. cut down on waste by not buying disposable anything, things like paper plates and plastic disposable utensils, one time use toilet bowl cleaners, disposable dust cloths.  Instead buy and use reusable cleaning cloths and scrub brushes.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to cleaning, if you wipe down or squeegee your shower everytime you use it you won't have to use harsh chemicals to clean off the soap scum and other crud that builds up.  Like wise with your toilet - a swish with the toilet brush every day or two and you won't get a build up that requires a harsh chemical cleaner.  Cut down on the amount of laundry you do too, we have a rule in our house that pants can be worn twice but socks and underwear only once, shirts depend on what ou were doing and how hot it is.  A lot of time people wash clothes that don't need to be washed.  Put a timer in the bathroom so you don't waste water by staying in the shower for so long.  Turn off you AC at night and open your windows and use a fan.  Recycle what you can.  Reduce gas use by doing your errands in conjunction with something else, I always do my marketing after work so that I don't have to make an extra trip in my car.  Also, don't use the drive thru if at all possible, go in and get your food.  Drive thrus waste a ton of gas, better yet, eat at home and buy organic if you can afford it

  8. You can do so many things.

    Most important Save water, Air pollution, plant more trees, change ur globes to enrgy saving globes, try recycle all stuff.

    Another important thing, You can encourage your friends to save environment. By this way other people will also save environment and we can help our planet.

    Watch some great videos for more knowledge...

  9. Instead of even having to flush you toilet dedicate a room of your dwelling to human renewables.  You'll have eco-friendly, green growing buggars coming off the walls to buy your s'.hi't.

  10. Celtics, Jets, Packers.....

    GO GREEN!!!!  Yea!!!

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