
What are some simple ways to get started with recycling?

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I never really recycled before and i wanted to know some simple ways to make it efficient in a very small apartment. I've cut back on most things but i just can't get the whole sorting thing together in my tiny kitchen! Help me out please!!




  1. get a recycling bin frtom the goverment and call a truck and pay for the pick up!

  2. get 2 recycle bins please . Make one for paper, and cardboard, and the other for bottles, cans, glasses, milk cartons, and plastic containers too. Take plastic bags to grocery stores that has a recycle bin for them. Good Luck

  3. call your local recycling company and they will send you a bin to put out when you put out your garbage and you can begin recycling

  4. We have a small apartment and we use the recycled bins in the garbage area maintained by the super.

    We stack newspapers, old mail, cardboard and such and tie them with used string or something and toss once a week.

    We collect cans, bottles, waxed containers and plastic in a small carry bag and deposit the contents in the bin every day on our way out.

    We place a notice about the decent stuff we want t get rid of on "" or deliver it to  the "build it green" garage in Astoria.

  5. Get a couple of bins... One for paper items, and one for bottles/cans.  A good way to get started is to get organized.

  6. u can start by recycling ur bottle and paper and batteries so much more

  7. Hi

    I have a compost bin and find that I can recycle garden and kitchen waste which I can then use in the garden.

  8. use smaller bins and then like twice week empty them out and so that you add more stuff in them.  or just put the recycables somewhere else and then at the end of the week when the recycling truck comes, sort them out just dont put the garbage there. use only two trash cans, one for recycling! :D

  9. buy less junk that requires recycling...

    here is a good link for you as well

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