
What are some simple ways to reduce carbon emissions?

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How can people and the government reduce carbon emissions? Simplistic or complex?




  1. Small and simple and sensible changes make a big difference over 12 months.

    1. Compost all of your vegetables and fruit peelings, egg shells, tea bags, used coffee ground, and yard waste. place the mature results of composting on the garden-it is beautiful soil, and, will save you money in purchasing soil from the garden store.

    2.Grow a garden and eat fresh product from your garden.

    3.Shut the lights off when you are not using them.

    4.Shop at second hand and thrift stores-recycle and reuse.

    5. Walk, bike, and car pool as often is possible, and as well, use public transportation when it is available.

    7.Use the recycling bin to recycle all bottle, plastic, newspaper,cans,cardboard, and is possible to cut down your garbage bags per household in half.

    8.Be aware that small differences will make big difference.


  2. First we'll tax manufactured goods, tax fuels, tax buying selling and owning vehicles, tax transport,tax building, tax buying and selling houses, then tax food, tax water, tax imports, tax waste water, tax producing waste, tax earnings, tax pensions, tax entertainments and services, tax the living and tax the dead.

    With any luck people will stop worrying about CO2 and wonder how they can live on the few pounds a week left!

    Somehow I don't think inventing a carbon tax will do the right thing.

  3. Stop using electricity, stop driving, and stop breathing.  Simple.

  4. I love burning plastic bottles.  the big ones, not those little water bottles they don't do much at all, but big ones like the ones that bleach or tide etc come in, they really put out some emissions, you can see the smoke for miles.

  5. Turn appliances off standby!  It costs nothing (in fact it saves you money on your electricity bills), and saves quite a bit of energy.

    Recycle paper, glass, card and plastic.  Compost some leftover foods.  Try to buy foods with less packaging.  Don't boil a whole kettle of water to make one cup of coffee.

    Turn down the thermostat by one degree and put on a sweater instead.  Don't do what my flatmate used to do - have the heating on full blast and at the same time leave all the windows open!

    There are many easy energy savings that we can make without drastically changing our lifestyles.

  6. Do U hate the plants that much ,if they do not have CO2 they can not recycle the oxygen. Then whose fault is it. U put out a lot of CO2 ,do not be ignorent.

  7. Doing the same things that they have told you for years.. a little less waste and a little more conservation.  

    Turn off the lights when not needed, drive an economical vehicle and keep it running well.  recycle when you can. dont waste water...

    .. all the same regular old things that are common sense.

  8. Simple, replace all coal, oil (what few there are) and natural gas fired power plants with nuclear power plants.

    Then you'll find that electricity is completely carbon-neutral (or about as close as our technology allows anyway).  Sure it'll cost a lot but it's the only way we have right now of dealing with the problem from electricity production.

    Transportation fuels are going to be harder to deal with since we don't have a superior replacement for oil at the moment although hydrogen, synthetic hydrocarbons and better batteries are promising and would need to be researched.

    It'll take a bit but if you want to solve the problem of global warming you're going to have to be willing to do that (or at least enough people will need to be to vote those who will into power).  A lot of the other things people suggest (ground based solar power, wind power, energy efficiency, etc) are really just distractions from what we need to do (though they do keep us from replacing fossil fuels quite effectively).

  9. Produce large amounts of dry ice (co2) and store it at both poles.

  10. Try the simplest and most effective method, replant the tropical rain forests that have been cut down or burned off  over the last 50 years. The Co2 spike if you look closely matches almost on a 1 to 1 ratio with the reduction in tropical rain forest. LIberals themselves are not very bright, but the AGW promoters must be the bottom of the barrel in observational ability. Or being very well paid by the oil companies to ignore the obvious.

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