
What are some small jobs around the house i could do to earn money?

by  |  earlier

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I dont have a job, but im 14 at the start of next year. I just wanna earn some pocket money around the house so i can go shopping n stuff wif mates. know of anything i can do?




  1. Wash pots, Wash car, hoover up, clean bathroom etc

  2. Wash the pots after meals, polish all the rooms in the house, hoover, ironing, going shopping for your parents the list goes on...

  3. Good Morning Young Lady,

    Here are someways that might help.

    Wash Windows

    Shine Shoes

    Rake and/or Mow the Yard

    Clean the House

    Polish the Furniture

    Organize the Garage

    Pull Weeds

    Make Dinner

    Wash the Cars

    Wax the Cars

  4. HOuse keeping

  5. entrepreneurs and experts give business advice and information you may find that site helpful

  6. I think you should join a site like this:

    It will show you how to make money from your own home.

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