
What are some small things i can do to help global warming?

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i already recycle a LOT, try not to use a lot of plastics, shut water off when i'm not using it. I started shutting off the AC/ heater at night and when i leave during the day to save energy (and it reduced my bill by $50)

What are some other small things i can do to "go green"??




  1. lol jp! but that would cause greenhouse gases when you decompose!

    Why not try dispatching as many people as you can--then as they are not moving anywhere -the carbon footprint will be lower.


  2. cut down trees, they burn and put off more toxins then any amount of cars combined


  4. start to use bicycle to travel around and it is better than walking around as less energy are used and less co2 gas are emmited.

  5. get rid of al gore

  6. Don't use your toilet to pee in. Just do it in your driveway. You will be saving tons of water.

  7. apparently global warming has been put on hold untill 2015,  due to the norn of  the world having hot times and cold times.

  8. try and recyle as much as you can and try and get highly consentrated juices and washing powder stuff to save plastic and stuff.x

  9. hi,

    sounds like you are doing pretty much everything right. Best thing is to get your friends and family onto this cause as well. Every little bit helps. Walk more if poss, more showers instead of baths, watch less tv and have other hobbies are a few more ideas

    keep up the good work


    Why can people not see through this.   Its a method of raising tax for an immoral Government.

  11. I would have thought that you want to avoid helping global warning

  12. stop breathing.

  13. Ride a bike to work, school, etc.  Recycle. Go GREEN!

  14. you can buy a cheap meter that tells you how much power each appliance uses. you can see what is sucking the juice and reduce use of those things not essential, e.g. tumble dryers (i have an outside line under an awning for when it's wet) and consider replacing old kit e.g. fridges that are particularly thirsty.  my dad got one and we soon changed out ancient freezer, the new one takes half the juice!

  15. Its all a big con to take our mindsoff what the politicians are really up to

  16. recycling does'nt have anything to do with global warming. only way to help delete global warming is I SUGGEST THAT YOU TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS AT SCHOOL, CHURCH AND YOUR NEIGHBORS AND PARENTS. get baby sitting jobs, mow lawns as groups and buy equiptment and get a salvage license so what treasures you find in the sands of time will be yours to do as you please and at the same time help us to delete global warming.

  17. Quit bathing altogether.  You will save water and lose most of your friends because of your stink. Because of less friends you will not have to talk as much, thereby emitting less CO2.  Walk to work, and on your way to work kill a cow. Cattle produce more methane and CO2 than humans. When you get to work, shut off the electricity, those large buildings use a lot of energy, and I am sure you will be thanked for it.  On your lunch break you can get some sugar and put it in people's gas tanks; that way they can walk home, kill a cow, and start living the "green dream".

  18. One thing that's often neglected is composting: very local and actually locks up some of that pesky carbon (and remember that a  lot of cardboard, cellophane and paper packaging can also be composted too!)


  19. plant indigenous trees/plants in your garden, walk/ride a bicycle instead of driving whenever possible, take your cellphone charger out of the wall when not using it (it still uses power regardless of whether your phone is charging or not), and most of all, convince other people to "go green"

  20. Dont overfill your kettle, wash clothes at 30 degrees, use energy saving lightbulbs, have shorter showers, dont flush the toilet every time you pee (at home, not in public, lol!) if you run the shower before it gets hot, catch the water in a bucket, and use it elsewhere around the house for cleaning, or chuck it down the loo instead of flushing!!! Unplug everything at night, and when you go to work, including TV etc. let your hair dry naturally instead of using a dryer. Use public transport instead if driving. use those reusable bags from the supermarket instead of using carrier bags. Dont print emails.

    Cant think of any more .........

  21. This guy hit on pretty much what you  can do.

    Dont overfill your kettle, wash clothes at 30 degrees, use energy saving lightbulbs, have shorter showers, dont flush the toilet every time you pee (at home, not in public, lol!) if you run the shower before it gets hot, catch the water in a bucket, and use it elsewhere around the house for cleaning, or chuck it down the loo instead of flushing!!! Unplug everything at night, and when you go to work, including TV etc. let your hair dry naturally instead of using a dryer. Use public transport instead if driving. use those reusable bags from the supermarket instead of using carrier bags. Dont print emails.

  22. The word Global warming is used to make money, it's a new angle for companies to make money and for you to buy their services etc. Carbon Dioxide is produced by everything these days, all the volcanoes in the world pump out more CO2 than our cars do each year,  Don't get me wrong we could do with calming down on using our resources alittle but I think the world is just going through a normal cycle at the moment that happens every 565 thousand years or something, we can't control weather and we no nothing about pole shifts etc except that they do happen as part of a cycle, when bad things happen with weather we blame ourselves well the media does anyway then it creates a gap\market to make money and sell products etc.

    Sorry for going on but I don't want you to be brain washed by the media, but I do think recycling is cool though!

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