
What are some smart things that lawyers say?

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Tomorrow I have to meet a guy and his lawyer and I already told the guy that I am a lawyer and I don't want him to find out. What are some things that only a lawyer would know? I already know a lot of stuff to say because the law is my hobby. I'm pretty good at contracts.




  1. Ummm........

    I got nothing man. Smile and nod alot.

  2. could it be a little unethical to not say that you are a lawyer..

    is it your job or just a hobby..?

  3. Smart lawyers don't say they are lawyers when they're not.  Most states have laws against impersonating an officer of the court.

    The lawyer has probably already check online with the bar association to find out if you are licensed so for your own good I would NOT continue to pretend.  If you want to be stubborn though, I'd start getting "pretty good" at criminal law.

  4. Lee that is almost funny asking what a smart thing a lawyer would say.  I have had some dealing with lawyers and haven't ever heard or even jokingly had a lawyer been accused of saying anything smart. Leeches and ambulance chasers are all the good most of these vultures are good for.  Best of luck trying to portray one though, you may have to dumb yourself down a bit.

  5. In the past, I have claims with people who say they have a lawyer and then get their buddy on the phone to pretend to be a lawyer.  I just talk to the buddy the same way I would any lawyer - It only takes about 10 sec to realize that the guy is not a lawyer. I don't always let on that I am onto them.

    Don't try to pretend to be something you are not. 1. you will get caught. 2. when you get caught you will lose credibility.

    It's better to just be yourself - a fella with a pretty good head on your shoulders who knows just enough about the law to be dangerous. 1. you don't look like a fool   2. you keep your credibility.

    ** not legal advice -- just my personal opinion.  

  6. I get it, smart & lawyer is an oxymoron!

    Good one!

  7. Since it's pretty easy to find out who's really a lawyer, the guy probably already knows you're a poseur.

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