
What are some social faux pas?

by Guest66843  |  earlier

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What are some social faux pas?




  1. 1. Picking your nose

    2. Farting

    3. Butt crack hanging out

    4. Picking under-ware from crack

    5. Scratching crotch

    6. Belching

    7. Obscene language

    8. Being ungrateful

    9. Disrespecting elders

    10. Talking with food in your mouth

    11. Hairy legs/armpits

    12. Inhaling your food

    13. Nose hair

    14. Nasty body odor

    15. Physically pushing people in crowds

    16. Spitting

    17. Being late

    18. Road rage

    19. Bad jokes

    20. Groping in public

  2. Eating off your knife

    Passing the port the wrong way

    Not standing up when the ladies withdraw

    Goosing the maid

  3. Talking at the top of your voice into a cell phone while in a public place.

    Not saying "please" and "thank you".

    Blabbing your private business so lots of others can hear.

    Screaming for no apparent reason.

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