
What are some social issues in the classroom?

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what are social issues in the classroom




  1. Kids forming group and excluding others.  Kids being scapegoated by peers.  Sometimes there is bullying on the playground or in unstructured times.  Kids form cliques, which then shift around.  If it is upper grades, kids have problems when dating/flirting starts up.  Smart kids vs. less smart kids.  Jocks vs. nerds.

  2. When people wont shut up and listen to the teacher i think?

  3. well... maybe bullying fighting or mouthing off to the teacher.. and teasing each other... and ah.. calling each other names...  

  4. - socio-economic discrimination

    - racism

    - gender issues (male same-s*x schools tend to have more of this than others)

    - gangs

    - discrimination against those with certain sexual orientations/preferences

    - violence

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