
What are some solutions that have been tried to reduce green house gas emissions?

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What are some solutions that have been tried to reduce green house gas emissions?




  1. hydrogen cell powered cars--- more expensive in fuel and in buying the car, but better for the environment, solar, wind, hyrdro power, if you dont wanna buy a new car carpooling, hey you get to use the carpool lane :) shutting lights of when not using them, turning heaters/ air conditioners of when your not home, or just not using air conditioners, fans work well and take a lot less energy.

  2. Study kangaroo farts. I kid you not. That's what the Australians are doing. Kangaroos do not produce methane (a greenhouse gas) in their intestinal tracts like cows and cattle do.

    They are trying to see if they can get cows to stop making methane - or convince the rest of the world to eat kangaroo meat instead of beef.

  3. Carpools, getting energy efficient cars, walking, riding a bike.

    Many things....


  4. stop water evaporation it is the largest cause of greenhouse gas.

    Water Vapor

    Water Vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, which is why it is addressed here first. However, changes in its concentration is also considered to be a result of climate feedbacks related to the warming of the atmosphere rather than a direct result of industrialization. The feedback loop in which water is involved is critically important to projecting future climate change, but as yet is still fairly poorly measured and understood.

    Why don't you address the real problem of the world                 ( 6 Billion )  and that is about 4 billion to many.

  5. Houses that are heated from the sun, have solar water heaters, have solar electric power, insulation that keeps th house warm in sinter, cool in summer.

    Move so that one at least in the family need not commute beyond walking distance.

    Make sure landfill methane emissions are being captured and used for energy.

    Spread lawn grass clippings where they are needed for fertilizer rather than piling up where they produce methane. Used as a soil mulch grass clippings also conserve water in gardening.

    Irrigate forest regions, to ensure that the trees can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. (dry trees do not absorb CO2, eventually they burn.)

  6. Lies and false scientific studies showing things are not as bad as they seem or that it (green house gas) is a natural cycle are two of the more popular solutions with the USA government.

  7. Honda just came out with the first hydrogen fuel cell car whose only emission is water.

  8. Eat less meat, recycle, hybird vericle, solar, wind power.

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