
What are some spawning triggers for mollies.?

by  |  earlier

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I have one male and two females in my 10 gallon.




  1. They breed automatically. You will find that it is hard not to get mollies to breed. They are the rabbits of the fish world.

  2. Change tank water partially (10-15%) weekly, keep tank at 78F and feed them well, they will do their thing when they are ready.

  3. As long as you have water in your tank the mollies will breed. They aren't very picky about the water conditions.

  4. Maturation of the mollies and having at least one male and one female that are well-fed and healthy!  In most cases having several females to one male is desirable in that the males are relentless in their pursuit of the females!  Mollies do best with some non-iodized salt added to the water.  Check a good aquarium book for the appropriate amount per gallon.

  5. well you are clearly British and are weird

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