
What are some stereotypes about Slovakians?

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I'm part Slovak and I'd like to hear some.

I've heard that Slovaks aren't very smart, but we're really good at hockey.

Have any more?




  1. well, we are good at hockey and some other sports as well. Concerning education-we have better results than most of the Americans and we learn more facts at school so we might be better at Geography, World history (this means not only history of our country but also of Europe and the rest of the world). However, we are not trained to think critically- remains from the communist era and generally we are less assertive. Its a shame, but we steal a lot. On the other hand, we are good at art and develop our folklore. And humour, yes, we have another type of humour than americans but i dont think we are dry, we laugh a lot. Its just a humour that is linked to our specific way of thinking that originates in our historical experience etc so it might be difficult for other nationalities to understand it. Another thing is, that we always find the negatives in every situation. When asked how are you and the answer is good thanks, it is usually considered a dishonest answer. It is usually acceptable when talking to your boss or people you dont know well or when you dont want to talk about it. But when talking with friends, people usually speak about their problems. This has also positive aspect-people are honest to each other and they will tell you if they dont like something. My friend who spend a year in the US was very upset when she discovered only after half a year that one of the girls she knew was terribly angry with her and she didnt tell her anything and kept smiling instead of talking things over. This would never happen in Slovakia.

  2. A dry and reserved people. Surely because of the differences in humor and what people think is funny.

    The men have the "I have to be the best" issue and often come of as aggressive when questioned. But, that can be seen in many other cultures too.

    The women are great at cooking. ... tell me a culture where the women isn't...

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