
What are some stereotypes you hear regarding Flight Attendants?? lol?

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Just a random question... What are some of the things people hear about flight attendants? What do people assume or what immediately comes to mind when you hear the word "flight attendant?" Any funny stereotypes?? LOL, I know it's a dumb question but I'm curious... Enlighten me please :-)




  1. that all female flight attendants are horny

  2. trolley dollies

  3. Who cares.. I just got 2 points!

  4. I've heard that they wear short skirts and look S****y, recently I flew for the first time and the flight attendant were nice they had on a skirt but it was not short and the were dressed very professional.

    We had a guy flight attendant on the way back home and he was totally g*y LOL

  5. No motion sickness...

  6. Women flight attendants are none to be attractive and non-chalantly flirty......

  7. I'm pretty sure we all heard  that the male flight attendant are g*y. But the females are supposed to be really happy and perky.

  8. If it's a male flight attendant, they're g*y.

  9. they're usually older

  10. Failures at modeling.

  11. I hear they always have a corny smile and voice, and even if the plane is going down, they're still smiling.

    I know for a fact though that flight attendants are very smart people, they have to pass numerous tests and memorize a LOT of geographical stuff before they're even hired.

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